Look, even the SOSF (Society of Secret Fairies) are supporting England in the footy - all those little St George crosses!

A very edible parcel indeed, which was diminished in size in no time...sesame bars, flat nougat 'pies', sandwiched between circles of rice paper, with bitter orange and honey, which were a bit unusual at first, but two bites in I was hooked...I may have to put in a regular order with the producers.

Perching rather stickily on the half eaten 'pie' a dear little dragonfly pendant, which nestles just above my decolletage, a sweet crocodile finger puppet, teddy bear pencil and, most intriguing of all, Greek worry beads, or komboloi, which I am still fiddling with, in an inelegant attempt to nonchalantly dicker with them, astounding my friends and flummoxing my foes. The card is a dead give away to who sent these delights...one day her work will be in all good shops everywhere, I'm sure. In the meantime, she has a lovely Etsy shop, here.
On a sadder note, RIP Fred Trueman, died today, one of the giants of English cricket. It is a spectacularly hot day over here, blue skies and singing birds - absolutely super cricketing weather, and the height of the season. I hope somewhere he's bowling a few fast ones to the angels. Tribute to Trueman.