We have a new admin fairy and a new SOSF event! (Please note the use of the word 'event', not 'swap' - more on this later...) Emma McCann joins our happy throng, and we three are now we four. Welcome Emma, and thank you for hosting this event. Pop over to the SOSF blog for more info. Closing date for applications is October the 1st, and final posting date is October 18th.

Which brings me nicely on to the next thing, as I put my lecture hat on...FAQ quote from the SOSF blog -
Is this a swap site?
No , it's more of an opportunity to perform secret acts of kindness and to forge new friendships. Although we will announce themed "events" from time to time, the primary point of the SOSF is to encourage participants to build up a store of friends with whom they can continue to keep in contact, sending little surprises every now and then.I can distinctly remember when I received, (it seems like a hundred years ago now) out of the blue, a lovely parcel from my good friend Tara, and then, not much later, another packet of niceness from my dear friend Maya. It seemed like a good thing to do - and I reciprocated. We blogged about it with pictures and thank yous. We had so many comments on our blogs about these surprise gifts, that we set up the Society of Secret Fairies - we though how great it would be if we could work as a kind of introduction service for like minded people over the world, and from time to time hold little formal 'events'. I wasn't at the time aware of 'swaps/swops' as they were more of an American phenomenon. Indeed, since then I have myself taken part in a couple myself - but our intention in setting up the SOSF was to provide a safe environment for fun networking, and we hope there is a little more to what we are trying to encourage than a mere exchange of parcels.
Unlike a so-called 'swap site', we do go to huge lengths behind the scenes to try to ensure that everyone is happy, and we are always here if there are any gripes or problems. We also keep a watchful eye on the very few people who don't play nicely. So - dear sweet fairies everywhere, try to remember, the SOSF do not organise 'swaps' and we always say thank you nicely. For a perfect example of good manners and a true secret fairy surprise, I have picked Lisa Ocean Dreamer's blog post here. Gold stars to the giver and the receiver; this is what it's all about.
Unlike a so-called 'swap site', we do go to huge lengths behind the scenes to try to ensure that everyone is happy, and we are always here if there are any gripes or problems. We also keep a watchful eye on the very few people who don't play nicely. So - dear sweet fairies everywhere, try to remember, the SOSF do not organise 'swaps' and we always say thank you nicely. For a perfect example of good manners and a true secret fairy surprise, I have picked Lisa Ocean Dreamer's blog post here. Gold stars to the giver and the receiver; this is what it's all about.