
Balancing act

Trying to keep up with everything is a bit of a balancing act at the moment...

...I think I'll curl up in the felting basket with Sam and grab forty winks.


auntpearl said...

I bet he is good to cuddle with for sure.
Take good care of yourslef.

Unknown said...

God I love your work ..... xx

carolyn said...


mzjohansen said...

OMG ! I am in love with Sam! Your work is amazing - both sketches and felts.

Debbie Miller of Onion Patch said...

Thanks so much for your lovely comment. Sam is looking rather cozy and cute!!!

d. moll, l.ac. said...

Sam looks quite nice, take a power nap.

ellen said...

I think that it is a good idea. Sam looks like a loving and cuddly person. May I just suggest that you turn that needle the other way before you settle in, grab a really comfy cubby, and perhaps a small cup of tea, or hot chocolate, and a good book...oh, and a soft down pillow.
What could be better other than a soft lullaby sung by a loving person in a very quiet voice? Good night..

natural attrill said...

I love that little balancing elephant drawing!

Stephanie Roth Sisson said...

Gretel, these creatures you're creating have LIFE! They so don't look like mere toys or sculpures, they have that thing that Maurice Sendak describes as "quickening".

Chris.P said...

Hi Gretel, is the painting in your previous post part of the book commission? The colours look amazingly rich.

Sofisan said...

I had to make a ball-elephant after seing that drawing. You can se it on my blogg (eventhough the text is in swedish). But my Elfie can't balance on a ball instead she got ears. Sort of the same... Well, Ireally just wanted you to know you inspired my second felted wool creature.

Anonymous said...

Oh! What a sweet little guy.