Doglets ahoy! Issue 13 of Mollie Makes hits UK shop shelves today - I've had a fantastic response from subscribers so far (who got their copies last Saturday). I feel a bit greedy, as the lovely Mollie Makes team gave me a lot of pages - as soon as you open the cover the sweet story begins - and how beautifully they have presented my little dogs - I felt as if I was looking at someone else's work.

...and in the contents...

...and six sumptuous double page spreads after that, with my step-by-step guide to making your own doglet - people, I sweated over that pattern, so it had better work! And yes, those are my fair hands demonstrating the steps.
The basic doglet design is an old favourite - I made my first in the third week of my discovering needle felting, over four years ago. He was called 'Petite Jaune' and he went over to live in Europe.
Soon after, I tweaked the design and made 'Custard', who went to live with the lovely Donna Flower.

Three years ago, I did a limited edition of 'Buttercups' for my only stockists, Teddy Bears of Witney. Sat with his back to us with his friends.

Finally he appeared as Custard again, in 'Peggy's Lost Pennies'.

And now here are his baby cousins in my favourite magazine. I've loved Mollie Makes since issue one - I had an inkling it would be an instant hit (it sold out within a couple of weeks of launch). They have successfully created a gorgeous, approachable magazine which taps into the whole crafting/blogging/lifestyle world in a way that really works, and I admire them for that. Confession - from issue one, I had a burning desire to do an article for them, but I never imagined I'd be asked to do the cover.
I'm not only selfishly pleased for myself, but also that it helps bring needle felting into the mainstream; a few weeks ago I had a needle felt book proposal rejected from a large UK craft publisher on the grounds that needle felting was 'too niche'. I have only one word to say to that - WOOF!

So, here's what you need to know if you want a copy - it sells really quickly, so hurry! It's available in most WHSmiths, some Asdas, Sainsburys and many independent craft shops. The stockists page can be found here, also with international outlets listed. It's also available as a digital download here, if that's your preferred method of reading.
Mollie Makes have five copies of 'Peggy's Lost Pennies' (in which dear old Custard appears) to give away, and you can enter the contest here.
Mollie Makes have five copies of 'Peggy's Lost Pennies' (in which dear old Custard appears) to give away, and you can enter the contest here.

Oh yes, nearly forgot - I'm at the Winds of Change Gallery in Wincombe tomorrow, Saturday April 14th, 11am till 4.30, demonstrating needle felting, if you're in or around the Cheltenham area. My Puddletown toys will be on display, so come and say hello!