In much need of a break, I set off for my second home, Cinderhill Farm. Traveling light with all the essentials.
Hello pigs, snorting about in a carrot munching frenzy.
Hello again Marvin, my old friend the farm rooster.
Hello to my new job, as Chief Label Sticker-onner at the Pie House. Cinderhill Farm is now a chief pie supplier to the newly opened Gloucestershire Service Station and pies cannot be made fast enough. Or sausage rolls.
Sticking the labels on in precisely the right place turned out to be my forte - everything has to be beautifully turned out, from pie to packaging.
So the next day, we set off with crates of various pies, all the way from the Forest of Dean to Gloucestershire. Across the magnificent Severn Bridge -
Where we unpacked many, many crates of hand baked goods at the warehouse, before doing a little shopping, Cotswold style. Local cheeses from small dairies, for supper -
And beautiful artisan bread from small, local bakeries.
Gloucestershire Tebay services are all about selling local goods and supporting the surrounding community. It's an entirely different shopping and eating experience to the standard service station.
Naturally, a selection of Cinderhill Farm Pie House Foggys were sitting proudly in the deli section.
We had civilised and greedy double cake for tea, from the cafe.Yes, the huge meringue is mine.

And even later, the worker's reward. Ciabatta and exceedingly good cheese. Almost humble.
It was a lovely week of work and relaxing. But then it was time for me to return to my own quiet world. Goodbye, wonderful Wye Valley, with your spectacular views.
Goodbye noisy geese, with your beaks stuck in the air.

Goodbye sweet Pearl, house kitten of great beauty.
Goodbye rufty tufty barn cat who's name I can't remember.
Goodbye Cinderhill Farm, until I return again.