While Andy was breaking his arm on the cricket boundary a few weeks ago, his mother and I were doing some lunching and sight seeing in the village - East Hendred. The village itself is an architectural feast which I've explored several times when we've played over there, but that day we ventured into the tiny museum where we found a large and detailed early Victorian quilt, in remarkably good condition. The fabrics used in (what I believe to be) the postage stamp design are simply gorgeous and in remarkable condition, so for once I will cut the waffle and let them speak for themselves -

Is it not beautiful? Stupidly I was so involved with taking macro shots I forgot to take a photo of it in situ. Not seeing the wood for the trees as it were.
Patchwork Birds
Sometime back whenever, I finally conquered my fear of making birds and started a series named after Cotswold villages;

'Little Tew' has flown off to America now, but Bibury is still on Etsy here and available to one loving home...

(Andy arm update - very much improved; thank you for the good wishes everyone! Motorbike is being ridden and cricket is *sort of* being played; his one handed batting innings is going to go down in our club's legends).
What a wonderful quilt - a feast of fabrics for quilt historians! I'm glad Andy's arm is on the mend.
That's a remarkably well-preserved quilt for early Victorian times. I wonder if it was much in use. Most everyday quilts were used to death, so the extant examples were usually the ones made for special occasions, wedding gifts, etc.
Glad to hear Andy is mending up -- and still playing cricket! Truly he is Manly Man! Who is Manly!
Beautiful quilt. I loved fabrics and textiles. Was also delighted to find your blog. I am a writer of both children's and adult books, a book maker, stitcher and a maker. It's always such a pleasure to find a blog that feels like home. I shall be back for tea!
I have always believed that, apart from practical uses, quilts are like diaries without pen and paper. I can look at a piece of patchwork I have made, and out of the hundreds of pieces involved, I can recall the exact moment I stitched the piece. I am sure quilting parties in the old days conjured up memories like photo albums for the people involved. I find the same happens with drawings, lacemaking...any kind of craft.
What a lot of wonderful old fabrics...
lots to inspire here!
Helo Getel,
What a beautiful old quilt. The patterns in the fabric are lovely, I especially love the tiny florals. Someone poured a lot of love into that cozy work of art.
I am so happy and excited to meet Little Tew. Stowaway has a little spot all ready for him/her (?).
Glad to hear Andy is on the mend.
Happy Sunday!
Janet xox
Hey Gretel, what an amazing quilt, all those teeny, tiny stitches, such a lot of work, love and time has gone into it.
What a shame it can't talk and tell you tales from times gone by..........
Oh Gretel, your little birds are gorgeous love the embroidery on them.
Little Tew, no doubt will be much loved by his/her new owner. Cute little feet.........
Claire :}
Oh Gretel, the quilts are lovely, surely so, but how is it that I have missed the plot.
I am so sorry to hear of Andy's injury, and know that this makes his role in the recent events re your new book even more amazing.
Hoping that he will be a wise (of course he is) and quick healer. Wouldn't want him to get back to the pitch (did I use an acceptable reference) too quickly.
Let me swerve now to birds. You have surely gotten two sweet birdies' personalities captured very well.
What an amazing quilt. The fabrics appear to be randomly placed but with such a harmonious effect.In such a fabulous condition it must surely have been a family heirloom.
Lovely quilt, there are some really pretty fabrics in there. It must have taken a lot of time and skill to make it. Glad that Andy is mending well, not much fun having a broken arm as I remember from this time last year!
Such lovely fabric - oh to find a boxful in an attic somewhere - just what I need at the moment! Little bird is perfect. We are being woken at dawn by crows mobbing our windows - otherwise I love birds!
I love the stance of those birds! Why the fear though?
The patchwork quilt is indeed glorious. My own, I'm afraid has been ruined by my habit of old; too many blinkin' colours! ;) The next one I make will be better oh yes.xx
I have enjoyed clicking on that beautiful quilt, sometimes the simpler the better. It has made me want to start something new too.
You know I love your birds and have watched them fly off your shelves.
Hope Andy is well and taking great care.
Olá adorei teu blog e os lindos passaros fiquei encantada,o quilt maravilhoso ,ja sou seguidora deste blog.Bjs
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