Ramblin’ rose, ramblin’ rose
Why you ramble, no one knows,
Wild and wind-blown, that’s how you’ve grown,
Who can cling to a ramblin’ rose?
(Nat King Cole)

I am back to work and not before time - my piggy bank is decidedly convex after so many weeks of not earning. Rose was commissioned almost a year ago and what with one thing and another, she has taken some time to finish. She is not just a pink elephant, she is half a load of wood for the wood burner and a big grocery shop for my depleted store cupboards; appearances can be deceptive.

Now she is on her way to America, to join her new owner and I am almost finished with another back-order. I have a list of people who want to know when I will have new stock for sale, but I must get the last couple of things made before starting new designs. I'm thinking moles and hedgehogs, maybe a squirrel. Red of course.

The client asked for a photo of myself with Rose, before she was shipped off. I am 100% camera allergic, but after many, many tries and deletes, we managed to come up with something passable and as I don't think I've ever posted a picture of me here, this is my dubious gift to you in the season of giving.

I have also finally begun selling postcards of favourite toys, the first set is of chaps, printed on glossy card, six to a pack without envelopes and going for the princely sum of $6/£4 from my Etsy shop. I'm really impressed with the new changes Etsy have been rolling out, and for all those in the UK who get flummoxed by dollars, you can now chose to see prices in Sterling as well. If they take off I'll be getting more sets printed. If not, I'll never be short of stationary, ever.

Arm update - (yawn) - I had my first physiotherapy session today and been properly examined by someone who really knows about these things. Seems I've been using my shoulder blade to compensate for what would normally be movements from my socket, so I've got a set of 'tough love' exercises to stretch and unstiffen the bits which have become recalcitrant. No pain, no gain. Oooh. Ouch. Argh.
I love Rambling Rose, she's adorable! Your work is so perfectly shaped in every way from every direction! That's a lovely pic of you and her, looks as though her pink has given a soft glow your face. ;) xx
Hmmmmm...I meant to say a soft glow TO your face! :) x
Nice to put a face to the name! And glad you're getting back to where you left off - I was going to say 'back to normal' but didn't want to offend!
I love Ramblin Rose and that her feet are yellow!
Glad to hear your arm is progressing, even if you have painful exercises coming up :(
It's a beautiful picture of you and Ramblin Rose!
Thank you all! John, normal is good in my books, and very much under-rated! Though I think my skin is more weatherbeaten than glowing Jess, but thank you :)
Dear Gretel, it's so nice to see you! HELLO! Your portrait with Rose is wonderful - the Toy with its Creator! There's obviously a connection between you both and that kind of love only artists can understand. Aren't you sad sometimes to say farewell to a toy you like? Rambling Rose is beautiful, perfect in any way... I like everything in her, including the thread that shapes her tail!:)I believe she'll be happy with her new life in America.
It's a good news that you began to work again. Physiotherapy can help, although it usually lasts long and becomes boring. Last year I passed through such a period for more than a month and the result was excellent!
I like your cards and wish you to sell them all!:)
You and Rambling look lovely together. She is adorable. Thank you for that circular invitation by the way!
Hmmm! I can't decide which one is the rose and which one is rambling! No... both gorgeous.
Good news about your return to production! And nice to put a face to the blog too.
It must be hard to let some of your creations go - perhaps just as well that they bring in life's essentials!
Oh, Gretel...I'm so glad you are able to do your wonderful creations once again!! wooohoooo!!!!
Rose is lovely.... I'll be looking forward to all the other little guys you come up with. Wish I could even begin to attempt something other than a bear. I did try a mouse and and donkey...but... well,... let's just say nobody but me will be seeing those!
How great to put a happy smiling face to the little creatures.... and, this year...I'm buying a calendar... must keep my eye out for those on your Etsy
Dear Gretel,
That Rambling Rose is not only a lovely creature, but a powerful one.
It is wonderful to see your face.
I am so glad that you are able to get back to doing the things that you love and, of course, the things that help put food on the table and warmth in the house.
Best to you, dear person, e.
Hey Gretel, love the photo of you and Ramblin' Rose, the little heart on her leg and her fuzzy tail.
Your needle felting is the best and I can't wait to see hedgehogs, moles and squirrels.
Love them all, would there be a badger in there as well perhaps......
Love all those woodland creatures.
You might need need to get a double load of wood with the weather you've been having and lets not talk about the cricket....
Enjoy your weekend and don't forget your exercises!!
Claire X
PG,it's good to see all these signals that you are getting back into your uniquely wonderful groove.
Rambling Rose is swell, and how grand of you to pose for a dual portrait. Lovely!
Please do keep to the routines advised by the physical therapist. Long process, but well worth doing properly.
So very, very pleased that you are feeling feeling better and can be creative again. What a darling elephant,how could you let her go?
I love Rose's little knobbly knees. Hope her new owner will appreciate all the work that went into her.
You've taken a very good photo. I congratulate you on your forbearance... my first instinct is to throw a shoe at the camera and, under cover of the ensuing brouhaha, beat a hasty retreat.
Ah Gretel,you have the most charming face. I swear, Rose is grinning with happiness to be cheek to cheek with you!
Lovely to see you Gretel and rambling Rose too - what perfect pulchritude! Glad your arm is improving - keep up with the exercise -it will be well worth it.
Your cards are really gorgeous - what a great idea.
Your pink elephant picture caught my attention on the side of Wanda's blog! Rose is adorable, and so are your cards. What a clever lady you are...
Oh she is gorgeous!! Lovely to finally see a photo of you .... which reminds me, I must update the photo on my profile - it still shows me with my hair in a bob - I had it all cut short more tahn a year ago!! Hope the physio goes ok - it is hard work, but worth it in the end!!
What a beautiful creation. I just love the little details like her knees, tail and feet..... Lovely to see YOU too. :O))))
What a stunning elephant, absolutely beautiful
I found you while hopping around and became a follower as you have some beautiful things on your site, I look forward to viewing many more in the future.
I am so glad that your arm is on the mend and that you can return to your beautiful creative work.
Rambling Rose is a darling and looks very strokable.
Are you completely snowed in? I hope you are all (cats included) warm and safe.
Your elephant is beautiful and I almost fell off the chair laughing. You and I look very similar!
Whose cuter....?!
Keep up the exercises, you'll be so glad you did, believe me!
Well hello Gretel! (I have seen you before in our forum mugshots!) Rambling Rose is wonderful - you must be so glad to get back into the swing of things again.
I LOVE Rambling Rose. She is beautiful.
Physiotherapy is absolutely no fun because I have been working on my knee replacement. I have to say once you get through the work you will have good range of motion.
Take care.
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