In a moment of brief madness, I looked at this corner last night and decided to Do Something About It. It looks fine at a glance, but there is a problem; where I used to have easy access to some of my favourite source and reference books, my way is now blocked by a tower of two printers, with two large vintage chocolate boxes on top.
I have crammed this room with almost as much stuff as it will take, without the central beam underneath the floor collapsing. That beam has held this little place together for over two hundred years, but I don't think it's ever had a load as big as this. However, there was all this wall space behind me, taken up by a large notice board which I barely use -
About an hour later, it got to that stage where you wonder why on earth you ever started and sob quietly in a corner hoping it will go away.
But we got there, eventually and I squeezed a little more book space up that wall - room for my lovely new Christmas books, as well as my old darlings, now easily to hand.
(I am sure there are people like me who click on photos to have a closer look at titles)
And I even had enough space over to hang one of my own artworks up - now that IS a novelty!