Some weeks ago - pre-party mahem - I finished an order for an *old* blog friend (old in terms of knowing her that is) Rachel of 'Slow Lane Life' who wanted a little version of her sweet black Labrador Florence. I don't often take on pet commissions, preferring to concentrate on toys, but for her I made an exception as she said more or less to do my own thing. Even so, Florence the small did end up looking very much like Florence the large...

From fluff to basic body took about two hours, sitting in our weedy back garden in the sun. Later the all important glass eyes and nose were added -

- and positioned.

We were going to have a scarf, but it spoiled her pose and hid her graceful neckline.

So a slim collar ball was substituted instead and a ball provided a place for the heart I put on all of my animals.

Did Rachel and big Florence like the result? You can see here, when the two met, at a discreet distance.

Events update
I am taking part in the Witney Book Festival and will be on BBC Radio Oxford with 'Jo in the Afternoon' on June 10th, from 2pm talking about my books and life. Then on June 18th I will be selling and signing my books, at Teddy Bears of Witney, demonstrating the craft of needle felting with the Puddletown Tales toys on display, so if you are local, do drop in and say hello! (Unless you were at my recent teaparty and are sick of the sight of us!)