Showing posts with label moving day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moving day. Show all posts


Another moving day

Last night pizza! The day finally arrived when Joe had completed the course that he has been studying for the last two years. Since we first met, we knew that this day would come, but in the meantime, there has been a constant back and forth between my place, in Shropshire and his place, in Lancashire.

Considering that neither of us drive or has any money to speak of,  it has been a bit of a palaver over the last 19 months and yet we somehow managed to spend about two thirds of our time together. Because we needed to. But we have longed for it all to be done and to start our new life. So having passed his course,  things were put in motion for him to vacate his flat and move into the cottage.


We had the best kind of 'man and van', who was helpful, friendly and businesslike. In less than twenty minutes we were loaded up at Joe's end and on the road.


Then it it was goodbye to Preston and everything there. Heading home to the Midlands,  passing the wind turbines of Cheshire.

 Taking a brief foray into Wales and then back into England - hello Shropshire!


Off the main roads and heading down the familiar bumpy lanes leading home. 

Almost there, and the Wrekin in the distance. Right at the back, poking it's head in the clouds.

The cottage being on a small and busy country road meant that parking was a problem, as it was when Andy and I moved in. So yet again I called on Brian and Jean next door, who moved a car so that we could park up their drive and not get clunked by a tractor.

We unloaded and then began the little procession of humping it all up the lane. Joe and I and the van driver and Brian, of course.

Dumping it in the front yard.

Thankfully there wasn't too much and it was soon inside, if in a considerable muddle. We are now in the process of sorting it all out. But the most important thing is that things are settling down now and our adventure begins.