Today I Started the first painting for a new on-line only exhibition. This one is carrying on with my 'imaginary toys' series - I think of them as 'the Numptys' although they are really taken from some roughs I did for 'The Velveteen Rabbit'.

Usually there's an element of granulation in the background washes...this simply means that the wash goes a little bit speckled. It is a very pleasing effect.

I like to surround myself with visual reference - I would love to have a big wall covered in corkboard, to pin layers and layers of sketchs, photos and ephemera to. But in my little den, I content myself with a few noticeboards.

Behind my chair I keep - yet more books...and favourite toys. Some of my most cherished titles here- 'Wind in the Willows', 'the Mouse and his Child', 'Santa Claus in Summer' and 'a Child's Garden of Verse',

Behind my chair I keep - yet more books...and favourite toys. Some of my most cherished titles here- 'Wind in the Willows', 'the Mouse and his Child', 'Santa Claus in Summer' and 'a Child's Garden of Verse',