In the middle of deadline Hell and hurtling towards them at a frightening velocity, this is short and sweet - what, no long naval gazing ramblings with a gazillion photos? No.
Cathy asked to see some drawings, but for the last half year nearly all my drawing has been filling sketchbooks with roughs and prep for my three jobs and so can't be shown etc etc. But sometimes, when I am falling asleep and doing my diary, I do a bit of impromptu scribbling, in the back, to save for a later day. Although one was told *never* to use a biro for sketching, I like them and if it's all there is in your hand, then use it. Usually these scribblings are one of the cats - Clover is a favourite as she lumps herself into such comfy poses. One day, when I have my life back, this will be turned into a big three colour lino print.