Well, I don't know, a few days into my new job and here I am filling in a blog! I'm Tofty, and I came to work here on Christmas Day, the traditional day for all teddies to start their employment. I was bought by a very tall man in motorbike gear, who rather startled the shop keeper in Teddy Bears of Witney, not being the 'usual' type of customer. But he certainly knew his bears and after careful consideration I was picked. I was only born in September, in Norfolk, at the workshop of Lindy Mullard. I am a Loteni Bear, and am called Tofty, number seven of ten. So I'm still a bit young. I was so excited as I waited to be unwrapped. There were smells of woodsmoke and oranges as I made my Grand Entry. By the big smile on my new bosses' face, I was just right for the job of Second Studio Bear.
Before I could start I had to be interviewed by the First Studio Bear, Chad, a Sharon Barron bear. He's been here a year, and is getting a bit overwhelmed with all the new work that's been coming in. So I'm to take over some of his lesser duties.
For a start, The Boss has been buying even more art materials. Here I am looking after the pastel box, trying not to get any on my fur, which is pure mohair. Perhaps I need an apron? Wellies for when I change the paint water? It's certainly been a bit messy this week, the Boss started work again on Boxing Day. We listened to the Chronicles of Narnia on Radio 7 and planned out a big poster which has to be sent off soon. It's been business as usual since then, and I think I'm earning my keep.

I was most proud to be made Junior Librarian and Archive Keeper, with extra stationary duties. It's not just a sit down job, some of those books are quite heavy! From here I can watch The Boss as she works. Today we've been working on spreads for the 'Woodland Creatures' book. I think it's going well. There was none of that horrid swearing, anyway.

All this means Chad has a bit of spare time to visit our other friends in the studio. In fact, he's been taking it easy ever since I came here. Hmmm...