Something wicked this way comes...with cloven hooves and devilish little horns. The type nerds amongst you might like to know that her name tag uses the appropriate 'Alleycat' font.
Just in time for Hallowe'en, curling her tail in a lady-like manner - (held up entirely on its own; no pipe cleaner core, just hours of painstaking stabbing...)
But just to show she is really a sweet little pussy cat, she has a heart hidden right under that pointed tail...
(I decided it was time to start re-stocking my poor little Etsy shop, and inbetween studio work and house work, I found time to split time in two, thus enabling me to get my orders cleared and do some 'me' stuff too. I don't expect the Noble science prize for the little time-splitting thing, but I am quite pleased with Minxie's tail...)