Many months ago, when this blog was cutting its first teeth and dribbling down its bib, I was working on a commission from Disney UK which, for confidentiality reasons I wasn't able to write about. This is how slowly these things can take. It is a year and a half since I was summoned, half quaking, half thrilled, to their offices in London, and only this week have I been sent the first cards, designed and printed by the card company - Gemma International - who licensed my designs. As I was working under the stern pencil of the chief 'Pooh' artist, most of the work was not my own. But hopefully the flavour of my style has crept through - that was the idea, anyway. I believe they are now on sale at all good branches of Woolworths and 'other outlets'. Possibly supermarket sections. Ah well, it's it's all gravy, as Andy likes to say.

Moving way down the greetings card foodchain, I have finished the last two designs for the first Red Flannel Elephant Christmas range. Many, many thanks to my blog friends at 'Magpie Magic', 'On the Blossom Trail' and 'Natural Attrill' for plugging them so wonderfully and linking to the site. Now I am waiting for the first printed batches to come thudding on the doorstep.

Another card of a more ethereal nature has popped into my inbox - another Society Of Secret Fairies event, with the most gorgeous invitation by my lovely friend Maya, who is the acting admin fairy for this one. To apply, please visit the SOSF blog. This does not signify the absolute end of the autumn event, and we hope that if you and your fairy match liked each other you will continue to keep in contact.