What a month it has been. So many thanks for the supportive comments, advice, emails and messages - who knew there was so much love in the world? I’ve been a little taken aback at how much there is, but profoundly grateful, as it has been an immense help.
I’ve had my self indulgent week of beating my breast and wailing - it was inevitable, but it’s over now and I feel cleansed and strangely calm, under the circumstances. I have spent the last week organising and planning - some plans that I was already putting in motion before things went wrong, and some new. My brain can be a slow moving animal, but with the aid of numerous lists, I am making progress and dealing with as much as possible.

My other studio is the bedroom and it is the best place to sort out wools for add-on workshop packs. I held my first Zoom workshop last Wednesday and despite my initial nerves, it went very well. None of the participants had tried needle felting before and over the two and a half hours, with much live demonstrating from myself, they produced excellent toadstools. It was remarkably like holding a real-life workshop, but in some ways better, as I had equal access to everyone and was able to show working techniques to everyone, equally, without constantly moving round a table. Later, I was sent this lovely in situ photo of a finished piece -
So with more confidence than I had before, I have set up four hanging toadstool dates for October in U.K. time, with limited spaces of four people per session.
October 9th, Friday 10.30am - 1pm
October 15th, Thursday 10.30 - 1pm
October 23rd, Friday, 10.30 - 1pm
October 29th, Friday, 10.30 - 1pm
I’ve already had a couple of bookings, and it’s early days. All of my courses can be booked directly through myself (email me here) with payment via PayPal or booked on my page on Craft Courses here. I am also offering one to one sessions with flexible dates and timing, which should allow for overseas sessions in differing time zones. (Hello America!)
So, that’s one thing started and a Patreon page is set up for a launch next week, which will initially be a more personal ‘plus’ extension of this blog, for a small subscription. And although I’m spending most of my time tapping away at one website or another, I am still making a little time each day to wind down with my own work.
Discover more wanderings by supporting me on my Patreon page
It looks like you are making your way! Well done, you!
So glad you're feeling a little better, Gretel x
I am so impressed! You've really taken hold of the reins, Gretel. Please post the information on the Patreon site as soon as it's ready to go. It's exciting to see you moving to a new level.
Gretel, I am excited to see that you are "taking the bull by the horns" as they say in the US and moving on. To be honest, I always thought you were a very strong woman , you have been through a lot in the last few years. I know that you are a talented and strong woman and that you will thrive. Please, remember to ask for help if you need it.
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