Here in the UK we have been enjoying an unusually hot spring, a blessing after the misery of the long winter. So it is picnic time again and we happily wend our way through flower lined lanes and villages hoping to wear off more calories than we will put on later.

Past blossoming orchards and sleepy cows...

...down (and inevitably, up) - winding lanes...

...past grandious Cotswold 'piles'...

...and parched fields, waiting for rain.

We too are rather parched and it is fortunate that our destination is here;

Or, to be precise, here;

Oh, the injustice that our favourite pub is nearly ten miles from home! By now I am an alarming shade of red and it is with great relief that I plonk myself down with a much needed glass of Addlestone's cider -

- and a chance to relax for an hour or so and watch the world go by.

At last we haul ourselves up and begin the journey home and the all-important mission of finding a suitable picnic spot. Returning through Broadwell village, with it's pretty cottages -

- and back on the road. It is now mid-afternoon and hot as June.

Somewhere along here is...

...the right spot for a picnic, a modest affair.

Marjorie carries most of the supplies and needs a rest too.

Returning home through the abandoned farm in the woods, surprising the plump Buff Orpington rooster who had strayed from his harem -

- and scuttled off, legs wattling furiously, to protect them.

I am not used to cycling this far and there were now points when pushing was necessary. Byeee Andy!

There he goes, off down the home track.

Disappearing towards the village. Put the kettle on dear.

There is nothing like coming home somewhat exhausted, to find that someone has had a lovely, lazy afternoon in the sun. And then discovering that you have cycled 22 miles. Something I can barely believe myself.

Wow...that's a beautiful ride, & well worth the pub & picnic treats! lol
Wouldn't like to try & ride 22 miles here...Cornwall's landscape is a little more 'lumpy'! :) hehe
Oh, my, I cannot imagine cycling 22 miles...mercy child., you are energetic, healthy ones. Proud of you.
I so enjoyed coming along. Perhaps it became trying at the end realizing you had bloggers tagging along. LOL
One thing I noticed about your UK is every roadway seems to have hedges, trees, etc. Is this done for a particular reason other than as 'eye candy?' It is always so gorgeous traveling with you. You are very fortunate.
Can't remember the last time I cycled 5 miles, let alone 22! Oh I do, but it was to work, nowhere near as pleaant as a pub. May leave any future cycling till I live in Norfolk!
Oh! Did that cider look good! Cider is my favorite drink too, and I could just imagine how cold, crisp and refreshing that glass was after that long ride.
Thanks once again for taking us along on your rambles. It's much less work than if we had to do it all by ourselves!
It looked like a lovely day. It's funny that we're having the kind of cool, drizzly spring I usually think of as British weather. The early garden is loving the wet though.
Dear Gretel,
I'm hot, tired and sunburned...just reading this post!!
Another beauty of a picnic
janet xox
PS...does Andy know his arse is posted all over the internet..he..he
Well done, I love cycling picnics as well!
I would join you for the picnic - but not the cycling!!
Oh, good for you Gretel....
hahahha...for a tick of a second there, I was thinking oh, my.... her friend Marjorie certainly has hairy legs and arms....but, then...I remembered....the bike...... hahahha....
Gretel, you are a dear to take your camera along for this amazingly long bike ride.
I love all the photos of the roads, lanes, paths, whatever you might call them, and the way that your words and photos give us a sense of the pace of this journey and picnic on a glorious day in late April, that wants to be recognized as early summer.
Just beautiful!
And the final photo of that welcoming party...sublime.
Lovely, lovely, lovely. Reminds me of all day cycles through Kent,
I think it was hundreds of years ago. Halcyon days and the cider was good back then too.
Ooooh what a cozy nook of the web you have here! And how pleased I am to have stumbled up to the doorstep :) Already feeling inspired...
Well met, new friend!
What a beautiful place you live in! I am envying you greatly today :) especially because my part of the world is not nearly so green or warm, yet.
That's a perfect way to see the world .... and even more so since you did the pedalling and we could just come along for the ride . Pic-nic and cider both look delicious .
You'll have to go again soon .
The fresh air will do us all good !
I'm very impressed ... we did 5 miles on Sunday and I was exhausted! x
thanks for taking us along for the ride - hope there was a cup of tea waiting for you!
A quintessential Spring day! You certainly seem to be in a 'good place' in your life at the moment Gretel - long may it continue!
I'm enjoying the new blog-topper cupcakes - charming!
What a perfect way to spend an afternoon. Marjorie (looking smart and well-equipped)is carrying you far.
Such a lot of beautiful views to sketch - did you take the moleskine along for a workout too?
I love the ride, even though I am a bit late. The scenery, as always, fills me with such joy..and damn, envy. The picnic lunch, yums. My legs and rear end, ouch!
Dearest Gretel, you are a wonder.
Love to you as always, e.
Oh Gretel, how did this post slip under my radar? Sometimes they pop up half way down my blog roll instead of up the top where new posts usually are.
Looks like you had a lovely day, but 22 miles, yowsers.
Were you sore the next day?
Lovely photo and beautiful countryside.......
Claire :}
Oh, I so enjoyed going on that journey with you! Thank you for doing all the peddling! x
Just followed a trail of links,(as you do), and ended up here.......and what a wonderful, picturesque here it is. Loving the cycle-along-picnic, reminds of camping holidays with the Girl Guides......you would surley have won your adventure badge for that tremendous 22 mile ride........well deserved cider!
lily x
Thank you Gretel for sharing your day with us. I love getting a glimpse of the English countryside. I think we all felt like we were there with you. I found your blog when I started needle felting and was searching for how to's. Your work makes me smile and I am so glad they are the subject of your book. Thanks!
Absolutely wonderful story. Beautiful ride!
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