Oooh...ahhh...look! What is this assortment of loveliness I see before me? It is an elegantly wrapped packet from Betty and Violet, a vintage sewing and collectibles shop full of irresistible delights, whose exquisite blog I follow.

It is the January edition of Jeanne D'Arc Living magazine and it is the most beautiful magazine I have ever owned - until the other day that spot was saved for the wonderful Selvedge. This just creeps past it on the utterly delectable scale. I was lucky enough to win it in a Betty and Violet giveaway and I am smitten. Actually, to call it a magazine is to do it a disservice; it is more of a softback book, large and thick, simply jam-packed with sumptuous photos and ideas - and stunningly designed.

Danish in origin and with a European country accent, it is over 150 pages of lavish articles of interest - from interiors to cooking, gardening to decorating. Like Selvedge, it has a particular delicious smell which makes one want to bury one's nose in the spine. In this January edition, there is an entire section devoted to flavoured salt. Pure happiness.

The writing style is fresh and original, a pleasure to read and blissfully unpretentious. I am beginning to tire of certain popular *country lifestyle* magazines, whose articles I think are becoming a little formulaic and stylised.

Another refreshing aspect is that there is no advertising in the main magazine - just a couple of tasteful pages at the back. This means you get proper value for money and uninterrupted articles which are not visually disfigured or distracting.

'Jeanne D'Arc Living' is available worldwide through certain sites and distributors and happily for us in the UK, through the Betty and Violet site, who offer yearly subscriptions or single editions. They also have a limited amount of back issues, though you might have to fight me for them.

Snowdrop likes it too. She says she has read all of my Selvedges and that big pile of books.

I am not sure if I entirely believe her.
That is one gorgeous magazine.
You know, Eloise claims to be quite well-read too. Perhaps it is a commonality to all your needle-felted creatures... having been created with the use of needles, they must feel a keen desire to be sharp.
Haha! All my animals spend some time sitting on the book table, maybe they soak all that knowledge up through some kind of woolly osmosis!
I picked up this magazine in Denmark this summer, the Danish version, obviously... I love it and agree it is more like a book than a magazine, have 'read' it loads of times... my Danish being rather limited I haven't a clue what it actually says and am thrilled to hear it's available in English. I feel a request for a subscription coming on... luckily it is not long til my birthday :-)
Oh Gretel...the photos in your magazine are like dessert!!
I'm headed to Betty and Violet right now!
Enjoy your lovely magazine.
Janet xox
I'm so glad that you have fallen in love with this magazine, it is quite like a well kept secret!
Thank you for the lovely mention in your blog post and your description of the magazine is so much better than mine ~ you found the words that I have been looking for...
Happy reading...
Ali x
I have only recently discovered Selvedge and am completely besotted with it. Just wish it wasn't so darn costly to get a subscription here in the states.
Gretel, I also love that particular scent that Selvedge carries as I slip it out of that funny square envelope.
Now you've got me curious about exploring this other publication.
Thank you for again expanding my horizons.
Great news on the weather front is that today's precip was merely rain. That rain actually helped rinse sone of our lingering mature snow off of our sidewalks and streets.
Still working on my cricket lessons. xo
It is indeed beeeyootiful. And not advertising on every second page sounds amazing....
hahhaha.... Snowdrop does seem to be enthralled alright...and she is lovely... quite a bit gal.
a lot of stabbing..... I wish I could get back to it... I'm still just not very motivated I guess. Soon....I hope.
Stunning stuff!
Oooh Gretel, what temptingly beautiful pics of the magazine and no advertising throughout till the end!
I enjoy Selvedge too, but this is something else........
Snowdrop definitely has good taste, in reading material.
Claire :}
I haven't come across either of these magazines before but plan to investigate further! The pile of books - I saw at least two that are on my bookshelves too - No Halt At Sunset and Seasons of Change. I'm sure that Sno drop will have read those at least:)
Ooh lucky you. I might come and visit again and it might just fall in my bag! Oops!
The magazine looks fabulous! I love to drool over beatiful rooms full of beautiful things - even if I know I will never, ever live like that - not even if I win squillions on the Lottery!!
Wow - that lokos like an amazing magazine! Know what you mean about the more mainstream country lifestyle mags - endless ads and the same format repeated over and over again.
Ohh great stuff! Thanks for sharing.
Oh , how extremely desirable ! I love Selvedge and was given an online subscription last year , which was lovely , though lacked a certain something that only the real thing can provide . I must now find a live and kicking Jeanne D'Arc to compare .
Meanwhile , thankyou for the link to Betty and Violet , I'll investigate immediately .
Congratulations on winning the giveaway. It does look an utterly gorgeous magazine and I think I just may have to treat myself to a subscription when I have some spare pennies.
Jo xx
I certainly believe Snowdrop. Look at that lovely curve of a neck. Perfect for all of that reading.
Hi Gretel, I have just finished my first module and so am catching up on some blog reading and fb stuff. Feel very out of the loop!! Lovely book and website. hope al good with you love Amanda x
I think I would be overwhelmed by that magazine Gretel but I would have to learn Danish to appreciate it. It looks fabulous though and obviously has that great Scandinavian style. I absolutely adore Selvedge as well. I think it is just such a good read with so many articles of interest and so much inspiration. I have completed my collection of Selvedge now and I am re-reading them all..ahh bliss.
I still love Country Living as my other favourite magazine. Such a pity no one will employ me as a magazine reader. I could do that job well..haha.
Hello, nice to meet you - just found you through a link from someone while having a lovely Sunday exploring blogs etc.
I smiled when I read your description as I love pretty much all the things you love - ok I don't illustrate children's books but worked as a children's bookseller for years, now I sell toys (don't make them, sadly), am learning to sew and have recently done a day felting. I love gardening. The main difference is the cats. I am a rabbit woman!
Anyway, nice to meet you, and I enjoyed finishing out about the magazine. I have dipped in & out of Betty & Violet over the years too.
Love Charlotte
ps LOVE snowdrop!
Oh Gretel, I had been dithering, but now you've tipped me over the edge! Snowdrop knows a good read when she sees it.
Wow this sounds lovely!! I am definitely tired of the typical country magazines out there... thinking I might have to look in to this one. Or at least start following their blog! Thanks Gretel!
P.S. And thank you for adding my blog to your link list.. "Creative Heaven" is such a lovely place to be included in! ;)
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