I am still sleeping on the sofa, propped up with various cushions and pillows; thank you to the kind people who've enquired about my silly arm - the fracture is healing nicely, but the muscles and wot-nots around it still hurt like billy-o and each day is a new battle to unstiffen everything and try to raise my arm a little more. Bed is still a no-go area, after one very bad night.
So here we are last night at precisely 11.30, tucked up cosy in a goose down sleeping bag, my little Roberts radio tuned in for the start of the first Ashes match - for my American friends, this is as important to cricket loving Brits and Aussies as the World Series is to you lot, only more so. I speak jokingly of course. I have my 'miners torch' strapped to my head as I finish a glass of wine and read my bedtime book (the latest Alan Banks crime thriller, 'Bad Boy' - nothing too highbrow).
Mousie sleeps on her raggedy cushion, on the sofa top and when I change ends in a few hours she will start purring loudly in my ear. The cricket commentators say hello to all the Brits staying up late to listen in, in time honoured tradition and it's all rather lovely.

On the big, low coffee table to my right, Pumpkin is slobbed out. We have a bedtime routine in which I put his cushion out for him and he leaps up to settle down for a good sleep. Further up, glowering down like a skinny, malevolent demon, is Samson. His sleeping place is a particular stair, though given half the chance he will take over the sofa. We are one cat short, fat Clover. Despite the freezing temperature outside, she has hied off for the evening. She's done this all her life and is quite self sufficient. For now, it is just me, three sleepy cats, the faint crackle of a cricket match tuning in from the other side of the world and the fuzzy snoring of my beloved Andy, almost directly above my head in the real bedroom.

Oh bless you - what a long time to be sleeping on your sofa. Your little pals will be great company but lets hope your arm is soon well enough for you to get back to your own bed.
I'm glad the cats are there for your company.... and I absolutely know how much better the sofa can be when you have a wrecked "anything".
It was easier to prop up my hand with a blankie wrapped around it and wedged between me and the back of the sofa.... worked perfectly. In bed...even when it was only me in there it was all over the place and I would get woken every few minutes when it went the wrong way! And, if you sleep in the same bed with a partner... look out! Nope...just doesn't work.
Glad to hear it is coming along, albeit slowly.... keep persevering...it's all we can do...
This week I'm on the sofa again with bad ribs... sheeesh...will it never end? ....
sending some hugs..
Sorry to hear you are still in pain but you sound very cosy. I can just picture you there! I would come over with minestering soup but snowed under with cake. Keep cosy and out of trouble!
So sorry to hear about your injured arm. Get well soon.
I do hope you fell asleep before the innings was finished!
Poor you still on the sofa, but you seem to have created a cosy corner for yourself.
I have had to sleep sitting upright propped up with umpteen pillows so you have my sympathy.
Hey Gretel, what a picture you paint of your sleeping arrangements for all creatures great and small.
Hoping the wot-nots etc. will soon be pain free and you can return to the comfort of your own bed.
Can just imagine you lying there listening to the radio and the cricket.
My boys are quite interested in it and although I am not a fan of cricket, their enthusiasm is rubbing off on me. So may the best team win.......
Another wet weekend on the way here, mist covered mountains and rain at the moment.
Hope you and Andy enjoy your weekend.
Claire X
PG, this post shows that it is impossible to keep a fine artist down, no matter what the physical difficulties.
You've definitely put your readers in the picture. How I hope that your recovery continues along, straight ahead. No backtracking.
The miner's light ... a great touch. I also had the A Banks out from the library, but did not get to it before its due date, so ... back on the reserve list for me.
Patience. If not a virtue, it is a requirement sometimes, dear PG.
You paint a most cozy picture, in spite of the dratted arm. May you feel better soon!
Sorry to hear about your arm. I have been going back on your post and they are wonderful. Those old English cottages are amazing. May your arm heal quickly.
Loving being introduced to your cats and their various sleeping arrangements. This has been a long haul for you re the arm..... hope it mends soon.
awwww get well soon Gretel, your little make do bed looks very cosy.
Sending get well wishes and hugs
Oh the sofa can be a cosy place, but there is nothing quite like your own bed. Sending healing thoughts for you to soon be back upstairs. x
Sorry your arm is till giving trouble. It all looks very cosy with the cats for company though.
LOL I loved the descriptions of all the sleeping arrangements! One of my cats definitely would sleep on me - warmest place in the house at night with the heating off... The other would find a nice quiet place out of the way and snore her way through the night.
Hope your arm is soon healed. It's a bummer... xoxo Sybille
Sounds just like the Percy the Park keeper story where all the animals snuggle together inside Percy's hut (can't think of the title at the minute).
Glad you're on the mend Gretel.
I can sympathise with the sleeping on the sofa thing - when my 'face ache' was really bad last summer, I would get up and go through to snuggle up on the couch, to save disturbing Malcolm with my tossing, turning, groaning and moaning. But to listen to the cricket as well - that's just punishment! Some years ago, when England were playing badly, I decided I wanted to support someone on a winning team, so I unilaterally 'adopted' Brett Lee!! Take care and get better soon - are you being put through the torture of physio?
hope all is healing well, TMS is the perfect accompaniment to all sorts of ills (it's the descriptions of pigeons and cake that do it for me).
I do like the miners light, really completes the whole picture. Hope your muscles start coming round and giving you less pain immediately!!
I am so sorry you are still having to deal with so much pain.
Hope you feel better very soon. Your furry friends are going to miss the routine when you move back up to your bed.
Take care.
Looks cozy but I bet you are sick of it! Here's hoping you will be able to get back in your own bed soon, although the cats will undoubtably miss the company.
sounds cosy Gretel, hope you get back into the real bedroom soon xxx
Sorry to hear the shoulder still giving you masses of gyp: know how it feels, when I did my back in it took bleedin' ages for the muscles to get right. Still, your sleeping place looks cosy and there's nothing better than a cat that purrs when you're near it. Mine scowls and makes like an angry cactus.
Sadly, all I know about the Ashes I learned from an Australian animator, so it may be a tad biased. :)
I know you're in pain and frustrated and all but the cottage sounds like a really cosy, happy place full of love. I wish you happy listening to the cricket (and some better results in the weeks to come!)
I'll bet the cats are loving the couch time! It sounds like an almost perfect night. It reminds me of being sent to bed when I was younger and sneaking in some extra reading with the flashlight or listening to a late night baseball game.
Isn't the cricket great company - it's cheering me up during my night-time coughing fits in exile in the spare bedroom! I hope you will soon be able to cope with sleeping in your own bed, though I'm sure the cats will miss you!
I hope you don't get too used to it and not want to go back to the 'real' bedroom.
Being uncomfortable and unable to settle is ghastly enough , without having to do it quietly . So the sofa sounds like a sensible choice . But I hope you're feeling better really soon and can go back to bed quickly .
Glad to hear that someone else reads crime books . I thought I was the only one !
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