Look what I found at lunchtime, fallen from the Christmas tree like a ripe fruit. A sad little ribbon remained tied to the branch from which he fell. We weren't supposed to eat them until New Year's Day, when we undress the tree and put him outside for another year. There were a couple of crumbs, which I *tidied* away.
Later, there were a few more crumbs, but no sign of a body.
Later, there were a few more crumbs, but no sign of a body.

EDIT - I wish I could claim to have made our gingerbread people, but they are out of my league - all thanks to my talented baking friends generosity.
Ours start to disappear the day after they go on the tree! No one seems to know where they go, either. One of life's many mysteries.
You should tape off the scene of the crime!
ps is that a woods berylware plate I spy?
Well ... it needed putting out of it's misery! ;o)
That's edible decorations for you..... when they get bored with being decorative, they remind you that they are also edible....
Oh yes. I am well acquainted with that type of tidying!
I've just turned the laptop upside down to see what he landed on (well it was easier than standing on my head!!)
Is that cookie your handiwork?
Well! Who could have committed such a heinous crime??? I do hope you find out soon ;)
Do you have a dog with extremely delicate 'table' manners?
Or was the ribbon nibbled away by mice?
Ah, PG, you are funny. Anyone knows that nature is wise. Gingerbread folks know that they were made to be ... well you know!
Bet it was delicious. I have had a look at your friend's site, and can see that her baking is really many levels above the usual.
Again, want to wish you a wonderful 2010, full of creative surprises that will delight you and Andy. xo
Cherchez la femme????
It wanted to be eaten, otherwise it wouldn't have thrown itself off the tree.
My guess is that like there's a sockfairy there's a gingerbread fairy.... I bet it's she who takes them and gives them to the needy... ;-) Have a happy new year!
Well he had a very good life!!!
Happy New Year to you and yours in the Middle of Nowhere. I hope that all your dreams come true. x
Ah but you have fulfilled his life's purpose. RIP Ginger Guy.
the Redneck Junkers
How could you have resisted him for so long!? Happy new year Gretel, here's to a year of much creative fun and magic. Love Jess xx
Dear Gretel,
visit my blog, please - there's a little surprise for you!:-) I wish you a lot of health, love and inspiration during the New Year!
Poor Gingebread People! But from the other side this is their destiny...
Happy New Year Gretel & co.,
As to the gingerbread folk I can only guess who the culprits were, but I can imagine how, while poring over your lovely Christmas books (Medieval Embroiderers, exactly what illustrators would choose), the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing until only crumbs remained.
Unless they have all run away to Gingerbread Town together, and left the crumbs to confuse you...
Looking forward to more beautiful Middle of Nowhere posts in 2010,
Such a scary thing to happen in your own home. Leaving the crumbs was definitely a way to bring more attention to the crime. Hope you get some answers.
Take care.
Has the culprit been traced? I'm not surprised that someone couldn't resist the temptation, he looked delicious. 'It wasn't me and when I did it I wasn't there' as my friend's small daughter said many years ago:) Happy New Year!
I am in love with the Dexter cow and her fat robin friend. What a charming photo.
Oh dear!
So good you managed to photograph the crime scene before anything got moved, er, eaten!
Happy New Year, Gretel and family! :-)
I love gingerbread!! Your baking friends are talented indeed. I just took a peek at their site. And I would have "tidied away" any crumbs too (including whole cookies sized ones) :-)
Why is the head the first part we gnaw off???? LOL...
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