In the land of the living, almost.
I've been suffering whatever lurgy is going round. I tried to fight it; I don't go down easily, and I have too much work to do to take a sicky, but last week after doing my daily cycle, and stacking this lot - 
- I realised I wasn't just tired, but on the point of collapse. So collapse I did, in a shivering heap. I am not a willing invalid: I do not relish huddling in a blanket, hacking and dozing and indulging in whatever one is supposed to do when one is ill; it is too dull for words. Thank goodness for my bolshy immune system - I am starting to feel human again. Almost.In the name of balance, on the day I succumbed to foul sickness, the posty brought two parcels of delight - firstly, a simply beautiful scarf, chunkily hand knitted in soft, pumpkin orange yarn (possibly my favourite colour, depending on what day of the week it is). It was a generous gift from my friend Janet of The Empty Nest. It is absolutely perfect, and just what I need when I get back to my daily cycle rides. Thank you Janet, I am going to be wearing it for years to come. Janet is a fiendishly quick knitter and has beautiful items and artworks for sale in her Etsy shop - though of course, my scarf is the best of all!
It goes perfectly with my new winter jumper, the other parcel which it arrived with. I buy one every few years when my old one falls apart. It has to be 100% wool, inexpensive, and not too fussy. This one, made by Black Sheep of Norfolk, fits the bill exactly, a princely £40.00, plus postage, from Sheep - great service too. It is amazingly warm; minutes after you put it on you can feel the heat building up, just what I need in my unheated studio.Clever sheep. (And that is the first and probably the last time you will ever read anything approaching a fashion item on this blog).
Despite it being only October, I have been getting enquiries about calendars since September. The 2009 Red Flannel Elephant calendar was so successful I've done it again, but with a different line up of characters;
They are held at last year's price of £8.50 ($14) plus postage. the first four went from Etsy within half an hour of listing, and as I write there is only one left. But I've got more rolling in, so if you'd like to reserve one - or if you don't like Etsy and want to order one privately - do drop me an email or an Etsy convo.
I've been doing so much painting and drawing for my mystery jobs that I've not had much time for needle felting - though I do have someone to introduce who might make an appearance on Hallowe'en, if she can get her little broomstick this space.
Such lovely autumnal colours in your new jumper and scarf!
You were right to give in to the sickness - my theory, borne out in practice, is that if you fight a cold, it lingers on for ages, just for spite; best to huddle, and doze, and groan, and get it over with. Hope you pick up and are 100% again soon.
I wish you a speedy recovery. I hope you get well soon. Love your scarf and jumper too!
Isn't orange a happy colour? Lovely scarf! Lucky you.
So glad you are feeling better...and I love the top photo...very Bronte-ish.
Can't wait to see who may be flying in for Halloween, too!
Oh, Gretel. So sorry you've been sick. Some variant of The Ick certainly seems to be making the rounds right now.
At least you have the consolation of some very lovely packages. That sweater looks so cozy...
What a lovely scarf and jumper! It looks so cozy. Sorry you've been ill but the cats are sending you purrs for a speedy recovery.
Calendar pics are divine, well done! There'll probably be run on pumpkin scarves now...
PG, may your recovery keep its pace up. (I am with you on never wanting to give in to illness ... yet have learned that maybe it is the way to have a speedier return to full 100%.)
Think that pretty orange scarf might be crocheted? Know that it looks grand next to that new jumper.
Best wishes to you as you resume full creative hours. That silhouetted tree at the beginning of this post really did set the atmosphere.
(Keep wondering exactly where you did find the strength to split and stock up that wood!)
Hope you are feeling better: Its a yucky bug, the one that is doing the round......
Great scarf and jumper. Even greater is the stack of logs.... I love it when ours arrive. Love the noise of them dropping off the back of the truck and love stacking them. Love the smell of the smoke and the crackle of them burning.......
That was a lovely post, as always.
Oh Gretel, My scarf looks lovely with your new jumper. You will be the essence of fashion whilst biking all over the Cotswolds. I am so very happy you like it as it was created with yarn and more importantly much friendship. Get well soon and I am very curious about your halloween surprise.
your friend,
PS..thanks for the publicity ;-)
So sorry to read that you've been poorly, it really is a drag, isn't it?
Love the scarf and jumper combo, gorgeous colours :)
Oh I do hope you are back to good health . I too am ill and trying to work thru it. Its funny that where I work...nurses are not allowed to get sick and report off. We are allowed only 4 "sick" days per year yet we are exposed to so much and weve got some H1N1 patients. Ah well.
Love the calendar and never realized there was such a thing. What a cheery way to get thru the year.
Can't believe you moved all that wood in a fever. Gracious!
I think if I'd been for a cycle ride and then stacked all that wood I'd be not on the point of..but collapsed and I don't have a bug.
Get well soon. The woolly sweater should help although I am constantly hot!
Cruizing along and found your blogs. This site is precious and I love the photos on Cotswold. Wishing a sunny day for you tomorrow.
Hope you are feeling better - will pop back to see your Hallowe'en surprise! love the calendar too.
Hope the cold clears up quickly. I love the scarf and that gorgeous jumper!
love all the photos for the calendar....
feel better soon PG...
Glad you are on the mend and are able to go out stylin' in your new threads.
Can't wait to see your Halloween post.
Yes the scarf and sweater are delightful (chocolate and orange is such a satisfying combination for colour and for sweet treats)but I am in AWE of that woodpile. I doff my woolly hat to you.
No wonder your calender is selling out, it is beautiful.
Glad you're feeing better,
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