I've been sewing again, for the first time in over twelve years. My antique Jones machine is in perfect working order, if a little dusty. My own 'machinery' though, is less well oiled. It has been what you might call a bit of a battle, but I am getting there, slowly. I need to invest in a 'Quick Unpick'.

Further pictures of the uphill struggle to re-discover my textile roots to come...I used to be able to do this, once upon a time.
I doff my cap to you :D
At least you have textile roots - I'm still trying to get my "cutting" to take ;)
(enough bad puns!)
Compliments again Fx
Funny to read this, as my youngest daughter has been nagging for a sewing machine all weekend. (Wait until Xmas, I keep saying.)
If you have a minute, please do check out pics of her in her handmade sari!
Your long-necked geese are charming.
Sewing on an antique machine?! I think you get extra points for that or something. I can sew little cat toys all day but when it comes to something more ambitious.....well, let's just say I sew little cat toys and leave it at that. Those geese are really adorable! I hope they'll be offered in your shop?
Looks good from here :)
I just got a stack of new beads from a friend who went to Aussie for a week...yay. Now I have to get them actually on the quilt!
viv in nz
I think it's much like riding a bike -- once you get back on it all comes back to you It's just a matter of becoming comfortable with it and you start picking up speed. I must say your geese are amazing:). I can't wait to see what comes next.
My goodness, that looks like fiddly, delicate work! I love their blue and white beaks. And aren't old sewing machines great?
I don't think you'll have to dig deep to rediscover those textile roots....
Oh Gretel these are wonderful!! I love that up-reaching profile of the beak - beautiful, beautiful and well done for getting the sewing machine out again - pattern designing and cutting is my worst kind of torture, not knowing my inside out to my back to front but we all get there in the end!
Looks like you did all right to me!
Once you get in the swing of it, you'll be churning them out...!
Looking great Gretel!
Old machines are best, I've found. I love my Bernina 830, I do. Sewing must beat out felting for time spent! They look great.
Beautiful geese and very 'you' :-) I like the brace lying on the table which look like they've just been shot!
HONK! I love them! I see them as door holders! I would stuff them with heavy stuffing and then use them to hold open the doors in my house! They are so cute!
Well I think you are doing awfully well, you'll have a whole flock in no time at all.
HonK, hOnk, HOnK.....love their floral beaks HONK.
Thanks to Google Reader I've just found your blog and have really enjoyed reading back. This is such a calming, warm and welcoming blog - I'll become a Follower. I love your little animals, your countryside photos and especially your visit to Rima & Tui; such a talented and inspired couple. One problem (for me), when I got to the bottom of the page I couldn't find how to go back to previous pages. Am I missing someting obvious?
I think they are very cute. I'm trying to knit and I know what you mean about being rusty.
Well, PG, I am sending lots of honking across the Atlantic to you, as a tribute to these latest creations.
You've got a sewing machine in that home of yours, too? Well done. As one careful stacker of piles and would-be container of creeping expanses of tools, materials, almost completed work, I do salute you!
Those geese are destined for greatness. Lucky folks who will eventually have them for their own.
(How do you manage getting that sewing machine over to the cricket?)
I find sewing machines to be instruments of torturous frustration, but maybe a very old simple Jones would be just the ticket! Lovely geese!
(I do look forward to the next time you get out the old printing press if you can ever tear yourself away from textiles again...)
I've always had the feeling that I CAN sew. And several years ago I simply began to sew on my Granny's old "Singer". There was noone to teach me, but I managed even to sew a winter jacket for my husband! Now I'm ashamed to confess that I have an electric sewing machine - a gift from him, but I nearly don't use it. It looks much more difficult for me and I have a lot of questions. But it's time to stop postponing my sewing ideas in time... I like so much your toys, Gretel! I'm sure the sewing machine will give you more opportunities to realize your ideas!
By the way, thank you for being the first follower of my blog! You can visit it - it already "works".:-) And excuse me for my grammar mistakes, please!
I used to have a Jones, I'm sure it was a great machine but I was (and am) lousy at sewing. I gave it away to someone who knew what they were doing. I can really appreciate how much skill is involved in doing this sort of thing.
They are beautiful...seems that once upon a time is discovered! :)
These are seriously beautiful!
I think your geese are pretty dang cool. I have to admit that the deflated (not stuffed yet) ones made me chuckle...I don't know why but rubber chickens sprung to mind.
Very cool, keep sewing!
These are sew sweet! I am rustier than a ships hinge when it comes to sewing. Ugh
That goose is so cute!
Your geese are fab! :0)
Looks like you are not so rusty as you think! Those geese are lovely - very much your style and loads quicker than felting!!!
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