Although England are doing their very best to stuff things up and let the Aussies keep the Ashes, in other parts of the country,** things are looking a little more fiery. Last weekend, Andy took five wickets in quick succession in a league match (so now we no longer languish near the bottom). It was a joyous occasion, though I heard a very rude comment indeed from one disgruntled batsman as he sulked off, dismissed. It was unrepeatable in polite society, so I won't share it. Co-incidentally, the T.Gherken just above him is the chap being roundly (but amicably) abused by our lot in the little video I posted a few weeks ago.

Despite the poor opinion of his victims, Andy came in at number nine in the bowling table this week. He was also headline news in the back pages of the local gazette, though they spelled his name wrong and that is not him in the photo. And I discovered for the first time in 12 years that he is a seamer, which shows how much notice I take of anything.

In the midst of the hurly-burly I managed to combine a few of my favourite activities; bit of beer, bit of chat with friends, bit of cricket watching, bit of needle felting...

One little chicken on it's way to America...

One little chicken on it's way to a birthday girl...

One little five-wicket-taking match ball, snaffled for posterity.

**EDIT - apologies to England, you played a blinder this afternoon.
Congratulations all around. Let me offer a toast to cricket fame and chicks heading out around the world.
(Great to have those cricket whites whiter than white for the photos!)
Best wishes. xo
Conagrats to Andy! Love the top pic, so joyous. Nice work hatching those chicks, too.
Love those little chickens - you manage to give them personality - I am sure their new owners will be thrilled. Bit wet for cricket round here at the mo!!
Big Congrats to Andy! The England bowlers must have been a bit worried about the competition as it seems they've upped their game today.
Keeping one ear on the cricket, one eye on the golf and counting the days to the end of a very long school year!!
I don't understand anything about cricket but that sounds like quite an accomplishment. Congratulations are in order. Thank heavens for the RIT dye remover too ;o)
What a beautiful way to spend a weekend. Congratulations to Andy on his haul, and congratulations to you on another little chicken winging it's way to America.
Shhhh...we don't want to make the Aussies too mad! Apart from Ponting, who was out anyway!!
Have another great weekend, this one.
love the photo of the beer and the needle felting ;-)
Well done Andy! And well done you for making another perfect little gem of a felted piece! It sounds like a lovely day was had. :)x
Congrats on the 5 wickets. I can't wait till my little one is old enough to sit still for a while so we can start watching the local cricket matches again.
The chickens are fantastic, she's a very lucky birthday girl.
I want to thank you too for inspiring me to try needle-felting. I've only done flower brooches so far but I love it. Something more 3D is my next challenge.
Well done, Andy
I'm terribly impressed
and so glad your cricketers still wear whites
your life is so very, very English
and lovely too
like the chicken!
Looks like an idyllic way to spend an afternoon. Congrats to Andy too!
Congratulations! Quite a group of winners you have. Beer and crafting...sounds wonderful...just my speed.
aka LiBBy BuTTons"
Oh, hoooooge well done to Andy. What a star :) Clearly you are very proud of him and why not? :)
Kim x
Best to Andy--well done!
Your chicks, both in sketches and transferred to felt, are lovely. Lucky recipients.
I've never seen a cricket ball up close and personal before. Your photo makes it look oddly endearing; I'm prompted to give it a cuddle or something.
I love the edit! I'd have left the comment, egg them on!
I used to love watching cricket when we were at Uni, I'd take my books down to study and watch the cricket, but there's something about fresh air, the thwack of a ball, murmur of voices from a distance..........I fell asleep everytime. Good days!
Kim McB xx
Well done Andy, that's quite a feat. England did do well at Lords didn't they? Great game to watch. Your felted animals are so pretty, I especially loved the little dog in your last post. Many people don't appreciate the time and skill that goes into handmade things, they think that because it's small it should also be cheap!
Love this site - will be back!
We used to listen to the cricket over the radio at the crib(holiday house) during the christmas holidays.
And do jigsaws
viv in new zealand
Thanks for educating me on "ashes." And a "blinder" must be something good. You do lovely feltcraft work. Such joyful little creatures. The little blue dog (?); is it spoken for? Good to see more of Rima and Tui's traveling home. - Jeanne in Oregon
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