How lovely to wake on the first of December to some sunshine at last. Having been practically nowhere during November, I was desperate to get out and about. I roused Hercules and we hared off to the woods.

The pale sun shone bravely, like an invalid friend trying to rally himself. The footpaths were punctuated with ice moons; horse hoof puddles frozen solid. All around me birds flustered through the bare hedgerow, though the usual battalions of pesky grey squirrels were nowhere to be seen - no doubt hibernating in their warm dreys. Although there was not much apparently happening, it was joy merely to be out in the fresh, chilly air.

The hazel catkins are almost out - fat little tubes which will burst open in the bitterest of winds. The trees are already preparing for the coming new year - many of them showing tight brown shells, protecting the tiny buds inside. Spring is not too far off. Despite outward appearances.

I must get out to the woods. I really miss my walks after a few weeks of doing nothing other than drawing or crafts.
Kim x
Great post; wonderful evocative wording. A book of your own words to illustrate, I wonder?
Lovely images to match lovely words.
Lovely wintery sunshine. :)
It looks like a magical winter wonderland ... seeing the countryside early on a winter's morning is the one thing I miss from my bus trip to work ... I don't miss the icy cold bus though ;-)
-Gail X
You paint a nice image with your words! Winter really is just starting here. We have lots of slippery ice. I'm sure cars will be slowly careening down the road, little old ladies like me will be walking gingerly, hoping to keep our balance, and kids will be sliding down the sidewalk. Smile. Have a nice day.
I love this weather! Blue sky, nipped nose and lots of warm wool wrapped round me!
I spotted the first snowdrop buds poking up from beneath the leaf litter the other day! Joy!!
Your ice moon, both the picture and the description, is charming! I just went out to feed the chickens and the grass is still frosty and crunchy. As you say, the sun is as weak as a recovering invalid.
I might walk to the post office now -- not as scenic as your walk, but I will still get the fresh cold air.
Yet another interesting instalment in 'A day in the life of...'
I skipped the 'autopsy' post due to squeemishness, (unusual for someone who used to work in the dental industry), but was moved by your 'Motivation' entry. My wife could be made redundant soon and your comments about 'getting off your arse, and bringing in money' has certainly struck a chord.
Glorious Gretel!!!!
(just saw your piece in ukhandmade.....brilliant me girl!!!)
Haven't visited for awhile but thoroughly enjoyed the step bu step process for dealing with pheasant! Thank you I am sure it will come in handy! I have had to move my blog and you will now find me here
back soon!
Being out in the woods on a cold, clear day is one of the best things ever! Wonderful photos! It's quite dreary here today, with rain expected. Edward, Apple and I are snuggled on the warmer side of the windows!
Lovely atmospheric pictures as always, and just make me want to see for myself! I always read your posts with interest - always something new! So I decided to give you an award, which you can pick up from my blog if you'd like. You totally deserve it!
The frost has been beautiful this week but my hasn't it been cold?Also have to say I'm not overly fond of scraping the car window screen these dark mornings. Hoping to get to the woods myself this afternoon, sadly the frost has gone and it will be muddy but never mind.
I can't believe that it is colder in England than in Maine! The ice has been melting on our ponds when I walked in our woods. Your photos are lovely as ever. Look at that gorgeous blue sky! I love the texture and subtle colors in the second shot especially.
My husband is partial to pheasant stew too - harder to come by in the USA.
Sarah above and I were talking about you the other day in New York.
You should be glowing.........
we said your blog is amongst the very best and your writing AMAZING
Wonderful photos! perfect =)
Hi Gretel
The little house decoration arrived yesterday and made my day! Beautifully wrapped - it was like an early Christmas present. Thanks - it'll take pride of place on my tree.
Lovely photos you have shared. I am so looking forward to spring. Thanks for giving me a moment of hope for warmer temperatures.
Take good care of yourself. Sending you hugs,
Great descriptions - I felt like I was there!
What beautiful colors!
Love the photo of the ice puddle!
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