'Oh Snaily-Waily,
It is very lucky for you
That you are crawling up my
Bathroom window
Instead of in my lettuce patch,
Where you would meet
The Scissors of Doom'
It is very lucky for you
That you are crawling up my
Bathroom window
Instead of in my lettuce patch,
Where you would meet
The Scissors of Doom'
This gave me a proper good belly laugh! I have visions of you marching out into the garden, declaring:" Behold! The Scissors of Doooooom!" :D
Haha! I am sitting here laughing. :-D
(But seriously is he real? He looks HUGE!!! Yikes!!!)
Hee hee! Around here it would be the salt shaker of doom.
Heee heee heeeee!
That tickled me....
...have you been on the giggle juice?
The Scissors of Doom?? Visions of hacked to pieces snails burst into my head. Shells flying this way, sticky eyes on sticks flying that way...I clearly watch too many cartoons
I have a few thousand of those pesky things that I would love to ship to you to meet your scissors of doom:) cheers, Melanie
Heehee, I like your little song.
Aw but he's cute, poor snaily waily! Then again...they are just slugs with disguises on...the mollusc equivalent of the Groucho Marx moustache and glasses...
At this point in the year, we have those big storybook spiders spinning elaborate webs all around our garden every evening. You really have to watch where you're going.
It sounds like an Indiana Jones movie.
This summer...
Coming soon to a theater near you!
ack! I don't think I could manage scissoring through a snail (shudder). The mere thought makes me squidgy. I vote for the salt shaker also (although that seems completely sadistic). Actually, I've discovered this great stuff called 'Sluggo' - they're pet-safe pellets that you sprinkle about every couple of weeks. It doesn't kill the slugs (which is what we have in lieu of snails), but it 'puts them off their food' after eating, and they apparently starve to death. Psychological warfare? With mollusks?
Waaaah! Not the scissors of doom!
I hate snails....I potted and moved my hostas to try and keep them snail-free, but the little blighters have found them and are scoffing them again!
Ah, the great killing debate...slug pellets are too expensive for me, and although snipping them seems a bit extreme, I would rather do that and kill them in a second than salt them and have to watch them slowly dying...
Sue, if you honestly thought that moving your hostas would fool them...! The only hostas I've seen which have been intact are ones surrounded by at least a metre of gravel. But they make pretty lace!
Our bath doesn't work, so I tried the song burbling through tea, it worked pretty well. Scissors sound nice and quick. We hunt our snails at night and throw them into the street. which becomes littered with the bodies of the enemy. Not many snails this year, for some reason........I think they became frightened and moved on.
Oh, I just remembered-- if you put a small bit of beer in tin cans around the garden (like a tuna can) and put them out in the evening, by morning you'll have a bunch of drowned slugs. They're attracted to the sugar in the beer, I think. Maybe it would work for the snails? At least it might be a happier way to go...? ;-)
Too hot and dry here for snails now, though when it's moist, they are out and about with a vengeance.
Love it! So creative and fun.
I love that little song too :)
I have something for you at my blog, when you get a moment.
Kim x
Nooo not snails too!!
You are an evil, evil woman paintganny!
Cackles evilly...yes, and snails too. Although they sometimes are spared and hurled into our neighbours garden. If they are pretty stripey ones.
Heee heeee!!!
Just like Kim, I also have something for you at my blog. Yippeee!!
Cool photo. I hope you made your book deadline. I see things in a strange light when I'm working hard to finish too.
How syncronically snailily strange! I just did a snail post too.. and I've only just seen yours now :)
I like your song but I don't like the sound of the doom scissors!!
It has been many, many years since I have seen snails ... there must be some over in Central Park ... but they do not cross my path.
All the same, I still remember the ones that used to show up again and again on the brick walkway up to my parents' house in Virginia. Much discussion at the breakfast table about how to banish them.
Wondering tonight if they still cross that walkway. I very much like your photo and hope that your deadline has been met and that you are relaxing with the viewing of snails.
I hate the slimey suckers!!!But I love your illustrations, and your funny poem xx
You are right about the jumble sales,but I have picked up the odd cheaper cashmere that boils up and felts very nicely.
Have a good weekend,I would wish a dry one for you but I don't think any of us will get that!!
Hugs Lynn xx
Oh, the Scissors of Doom! Very sinister, but very effective.
I hate to admit it, but I once found a slug IN our bathroom...brought in on the dog's fur I suspect. I also found a mole in my kitchen, brought in by the cat no doubt, who probably got bored and forgot about the poor thing. It was still quite alive. The advantages of country living.
I am glad that the end is in sight for you...I love that ancient piece from the archives.
This was very funny.
A cool poem.
Have you ever put salt on snails?
Great picture!
Beware of the Scissors of Doom!!!!
He's just stopping by to see Sylvia!
I'm sorry I mean Synthia!!
Synthia would eat this tiddler for breakfast!
I have never, ever put salt on a slug or a snail, it's far too prolonged a death, even for them. See, I have some compassion. :)
One would have to start each and every morning with a little thank you, for not being a snail!
So what happened to that lucky creature on your bathroom window? Did she take a bath or was she a shower kind of girl? ;-)
You could borrow a duck to take care of your snails. Ducks appear to regard snails as a delicacy.
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