My studio, it has to be said, is full of many things - it is my creative nest, where I can surround myself with the treasures I have found and been given. Although I may not use many of them from day to day, they inspire and console me. Many tokens from blog and non-bloggy the Lily Moon card from my friend Maya -
The old year ended with the little people in 'Cat's Cradle' journeying far away to their first job. It is always a wrench to know I will probably never see most of my paintings again, but good to know that they are watching over someone, somewhere.

The new year started with one of Rima's beautiful calendars. I cannot think of a nicer way of getting through the year - she still has one or two left I think, so if you hurry...

Entering January with some gorgeous letter blocks, with huge thanks to fellow illustrator Paula for her thoughtful gift...

...and my triple good luck charm, to keep bad things away from me this year, especially timewasters, as I had enough of them in 2007. White china heart from Tara, rosehip heart from Higgledy Piggledy, textile/embroidery heart from Border Tart - thank you my dears - I defy anything truly bad to happen with the combined love of these three friends.

A big red hand to point the way bravely forward to 2008 - there is something very commanding about this stern indicator. It arrived unexpectedly in the post this week, mysteriously unsigned...for a few minutes I felt like my all time hero, Tintin, receiving an anonymous signal summoning him to a new, exotic adventure. But then I remembered kind Alan Brignull of the Hedgehog Press, and his lovely picture on Flickr which I had fav'd. Thank you so much!

I found your blog a few months ago, and your Etsy store, =) and have been reading ever since. I love your artwork and am sure I will have to buy some very soon. But today I went right over to Rima's store at your suggestion and bought myself a calander! Thank you for the hint.=)
My favorite picture of yours, by the way, is the header to your blog!
Sorry your feeling poorly and hope that you soon feel better.
Willow House
Gretel, as you can see you have been wafting custom through my shop doors :) Thanks so much for telling all about my humble little calendars!
As always it is lovely to see the nooks and crannies of your inspiring studio and lovely that you've got the oompf to get drawing :) I hope the weather climbs right back underneath you soon! Sending you virtual picturesque snow from up here today :) Lots of love and thanks again x
Thanks, Gretel!
I didn't think a signature was necessary, but I'm pleased to have provided a few moments mystery at least.
When visiting a friend's house I cannot resist looking along their bookshelves … you have some wonderful old volumes there. Surely it cannot be pure chance that the pointing finger card finishes up directed at "The Caxtons"?
What a lot of lovely things have come to you! Hope you recharge a bit and come out of your retreat feeling better. Your tags were very well received by the way! thank you.
Lovely drawing, I hope 2008 is agreat year for you.
Thanks for the link to Rimas blog. Her esty shop is wonderful. Yes take a rest with your sketchbook in front of your woodburner, and show us your sketchbook delights when you come out of hibernation ! ~ love Julia x
Gretel it has been wonderful to catch up on your last few posts (I am so behind on blog reading but actually it is nice sometimes to read a few favourite bloggers posts in a row). I just wanted to wish you a wonderful year for 2008 - it has been lovely to discover your art and your world via your blog and I look forward to seeing more!
Have fun relaxing and sketching in your beautiful wee home - xxx
lovely books (and other stuff)
poor poorly heffalump, and you
hope you feel better soon
and that 2008 is GREAT for you
I would so love to have a rummage through your studio, as a fellow accumulator! Hope you feel better soon and at least get some drawing done.
Hope you make a speedy recovery Gretel. I've just read about your tumble.
I'm sure you will be grabbing 2008 by the balls and make it a successful year.
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well - hope you are better soon.
I don't know if it's just your artistic eye or whether a lot of thought went into each one, but I love the way your items are framed against the backdrop of the books. I so want to come and rummage through your tomes - I see some old friends tucked in there:)
I hope you are feeling well again very soon, Gretel, and looking forward to seeing your drawings. This is such an iformative post - thanks for the links to Rima's etsy shop, too.
PS - I love your blog header, too!
Hope you feel better soon.
Lovely drawing, look forward to seeing more.
Other peoples studios are fascinating. I love the items on display
Your gorgeous cards arrived this morning...stunning art work. I don't think that I can bare to part with them!
Hope you feel well very soon.
Take care,
Alison x
Happy New Year Gretel
Sorry it has taken me so long to reach you with this greeting.. I was a bit blogged out at Christmas!
Hope your weather isn't under any more and you are feeling better..
Your creative cogs are turning out some lovely works..
May 2008 be full of success and inspiration..
P.s Ha... another Tintin fan... I teethed on Tintin books.. my Belgian aunt sent new publications regularly..signed too!
Everything is lovely. I'm afraid the goop is going around--all over the world it seems. Feel better soon.
Hope you are soon 100% dear girl.
Thanks for the peek into your studio...its fabulous.
I think we all feel a bit like the poor collapsed elephant at this time of year.
I'm really loving your blog and illustrations!
all best wishes from Marrakech
I loved walking through your studio. Some of those books made me go all weak because I love old books. The covers and binding on them are a work of art in itself and I can disappear into the world of illustraions quite easily. How marvellous it would be if I could draw my own world to emmerse myself in. You are so lucky to have such talent. Hope you are feeling better and look forward to seeing what you are working on next.
I adore interesting studios, like yours. Gawd help us from the designer minimalist places some people seem to prefer.
Get well soon!
I just found your blog. It is wonderful.I love your swet, beautiful illustrations. They speak to my heart.
Oh my lovely, I am sorry you are feeling under the weather at the moment; I hope that you're feeling a little better. Much love xx
I just discovered your blog - I love the Cat's Cradle cards. And those books with the printer blogs.
Hope you're feeling better!
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