Breath snapping, air fogging, lip stinger, warmth filcher, sun muffler,
deep bone gnawer, blood thinner, steal-my-whistle
deep bone gnawer, blood thinner, steal-my-whistle
Earth cleanser, rime duster, bitter diamonds, tear freezer,
white assasin, kill-my-lover
white assasin, kill-my-lover

lace threader, seed trigger, hoar stick, brittle barked, glitter sprinkler,
tree ripper, Gardener's Mercy

song killer, crystal maker, leaf snapper, stealth chilling, finger numbing, lip mumbling, stone breaking,
earth cracking, wouldn't-kick-a-dog-out
earth cracking, wouldn't-kick-a-dog-out
colour leacher, ice weaver, boney dancer, Sharp Jack
steely creeper, puddle crazing, eye glazer, fur stiffener, Wreath-of-Tears
tea drinker, soul reviver, Mother's-heal-all
What beautiful frosty photo's.
Bet Toby will like your mug when he see's it!
Hope all is well for you G.
Beautiful post.
willow house
Hi PG,
I found you blog through 'Muddy Shoes'. I L O V E those pictures of the fire and cup of tea - bliss!
There have been some wonderful frosts, sadly I have been too full of this cold to get out and enjoy them but captain ruperts has and looks very handsome out in the frost.
Lovely blog entry, very evocative of crackly cold and fireside cuppas!
Couldn't wait to get to the next photo you had displayed. Great post.
Yup, that's what I have been trudging through the past couple of days with the dogs! You are so lucky having a wood-burning stove, how comforting that looks.
Did you write the poetic piece - it's lovely, how evocative!
I have been so enjoying your blog since I found it via The Hermatage.
Love your work!
Take care,
Alison x
Wow that is some frost Gretel. We don't get frost lke that here, too close to the sea, in the 4 years I have lived here I have never had to scrape my windscreen!
Loving you taste in mugs!!
Thank you for this beautiful post - your artist's eye obviously works for photos as well.
Oh...I don't know what is lovelier, the words or the pictures. I take that back, they are equally beautiful and go hand in hand. (hand in glove?)
Such absolutely gorgeous photos. I will come back several times to look at these and to feel the warmth of that fire.
Oh, just look at the beauty that you have shared. The pictures really do just let me have a holiday journey away from this city.
And your word just kept me reading, faster and faster. Glad to see that cup at the end. Just as I was sipping my very own hot cup of PG tips.
Hoping that Christmastime will be very good to you.
Looks like a six dog night for sure!
Hope you are staying warm and cozy inside...
I love your pictures!! You've captured the moment wonderfully.
in the onion patch
What a wordsmith you are :) ... and very lovely pictures. Am writing from a library on our travels and we are seeing similar frostinesses on waking in the mornings :) Good old cuppatea too eh? xR
Lovely, lovely, lovely! Beautiful photos and deliciously evocative wordage to boot :) (I know wordage isn't strictly a word, but I like it!!) Have missed you - will be in touch v. soon xxx
What a lovely photo of the frost leaf. We had a frosty day Friday and I was tempted to take a photo like that, but lazy me, I stayed inside where it was warm!
Thanks and hugs from Laura at Amongst The Oaks
Marvellous post ... beautiful photos and words.
Fabulous frosty fotos..
Are you wielding that paintbrush?
Will be in touch proper.. soon.
So nice to see a picture of your wood burner roaring away. Jack frost has been around here the last few days too, good to see him about ! ~ love julia x
Your words are so apt and beautifully rhythmic, like the noise of a train chugging along. We were in the middle of the most stunning Northumbrian countryside last Saturday and all around was as white as could be. It was the most breathtaking scene imaginable.
And whilst I'm at it, if I'm not around here again before it - Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!
Fab post!! Beautiful words (I was blown away by them) and gorgeous photos! I feel so seasonal after reading it. Merry christmas!
Merry, Merry Christmas, Gretel ... in your absolutely fabulous part of the world ... in your cottage surrounded by amazing artwork (your own). It's been such a gift to read your blog (and send your cards) this year!
Now THAT'S a mouthful! Whew! Great photos. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
I took in each word, rolled it about on my tongue, spoke it aloud and savoured each in turn. Incredible writing!
I send warm wishes and hugs from the west coast and hope you have a joyous festive holiday season and a grand 2008.
What a wonderful post and pictures! Have a very Merry Christmas :)
Amazingly evocative pictures.
Wish I were there.
Such frosty loveliness.
Happy holidays to you
from Vienna,
where the frost on the trees of the hills ringing the west of the city is painting its icy pictures too.
I really love that Trees on Sunrise picture !! Other pics are great too !
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