So, with a distinct lack of commercial work on and with the workhouse looming, I've taken off my sensible commercial hat and put my please-myself-indulgent-artist beret on. This one fits better. After a couple of years mainly doing other people's work, it's been odd getting back into my own little world, but once I'd dusted the shelves and aired the rooms, it was very nice to be home.
I find increasingly that sitting at the studio table doesn't do it for me as far as inspiration goes. Like many creatives I tend to get the best images as I'm drifting off to sleep or half dozing in the small hours which is bad news if I can't struggle awake to scribble a few notes. (Like, most of the time...). Now I have given up making myself sweat at the desk for hours and if it's not happening I take myself off with sketchbook in hand and go for a wander. I have a sweet little new Moleskine - like kittens, you can never have too many - and it has concertina pages. I love this: it's like a frieze, and in at the end will be a continuous sheaf of primary sketches. It was a present from Maya, so it was almost like taking her with me when I took it to the woods the other days and sat on a little bench under the birch trees. And look who emerged from the end of my pencil...

I seem to be having a Thing about 18th century wigs...they turned up in two of my latest paper cuts...

So, back to painting - for all those who have asked me about when I have anything for sale, I am now back in the driving seat and producing work to sell. The little Moleskine sketch was worked up and has now been sold through my Etsy shop. It's a bit larger than A4 in size, and sold without mount or frame (I figure people have their own ideas about how they like stuff presented on their walls). I am very taken with her boudoir wallpaper, and if I could have this in our bedroom I would. It's called 'The Invitation' and as usual, I'm sure there's a story in there, but it's for someone else to find. Oh yes, and it comes with a few free Red Flannel Elephant cards too. Bit like a Happy Meal but without the plastic toy.
I cannot tell you how it is good to let my imagination go again - I somehow feel - more me. If that makes any sense.
I cannot tell you how it is good to let my imagination go again - I somehow feel - more me. If that makes any sense.
Oh yes familiar with the inspiration in the wee small hours . . . and it doesn't matter how many clues I leave myself when I wake up in the morning I forget my ideas, or the odd one I do remember lacks the sparkle.
I love your pictures . . . .sigh - wish I could draw . . .
I'm glad you're getting some time for yourself and your own visions. I'm looking forward to that happening... Someday... :-)
Hi Gretel
Lovely new painting - I'm glad you've got the time to do the type of thing you enjoy ;)
P.S. Which Moleskine do you use - the sketchbooks or the watercolour ones? (I think I've got Moleskine envey and I feel a purchase coming on ;) )
I get my inspiration and profound thoughts while in the shower.. and forget them as soon as I step out. I also have wonderful ideas during the night.. and can't get out of that groggy stage to put them down on thing, I see them somewhere else. I am sure my good ideas drift off to someone else's dreams!
You have inspired me to looking into buying myself a pushbike! look out Woodford!
How delightful this work is!
Marie Antoinette???
How wonderful ! Made me smile and that's a good way to start the day.
(( ))
Obviously a duck of extremely good stock and breeding, if the size of her wig is anything to go by.
Is she, per chance, one of the Von Quacks from the Eiderdown Estate?
There will be no trouble finding a suitable husband for her, none at all.
I love her, she's obviously quite a racy (in the nicest possible way) bird with those delightful wheels and a real lady of fashion with her wig and fan. I'm sure she is fiesty enough to see off the workhouse!
Great drawings. I do know what you mean about feeling more like you when you let your imagination run riot - sometimes I feel like I can properly breathe again. Not that I can draw a thing mind you.
Simply lovely - and it's very clear to see that you really enjoyed painting the ducklette with renaissance qualities! There's a whole load of Gretel-Soul in there!
Encore! Encore!
What a gorgeous painting and so lovely to see the original sketch too.
Inspiration is a wonderful thing and we should all embrace it whenever it decides to pop into our thoughts....I have a pen and paper by my side of the bed to write down anything profound, but usually it's more like,'take chicken thighs out of the freezer' or 'ring British Gas'
Great drawing an illustration and I am glad thatthat you are doing art to please yourself, just for fun.
Deer Aunty Gretel,
Fanx very much for arskine abowt my plooms wot are lookin verry nice now fanx speshully now I don't have wood shavvings in them any mor. I had a gud run round on Chichi's tabel top larst nite too an ther ar sum fotos on Ilust er illos um ilis oh ok that funy websight wher peaple put ther pitchers on. So ther ar sum more pics of me on ther an that can onlie be a gud thing dont you fink.
Oh an I fink that Cathy's finnished brushing my plooms now an shes put sumthing else on the blog at Puflit Pallis now but I don't appeer in enny of it an I don't fink thats verry good at all do you?
Nite nite and hope you have a gud time runnning on yur weel wich is wot I'm goin to do now.
Lots of Falafel xxxxxxxxxxxx
I do envy your incredible talent - your drawings are stunning, even at the 'primary' stage. My mother is an artist and to say I was miffed not to get any of her talent when talents were handed out, is an understatement!
Well if I could sit down and draw a masterpiece like that I would be more than happy!Trouble is PG you just make all seem to easy.
I'm green with envy.
It makes complete sense Gretel. And, this is completely gorgreous!
Gretel...I can't believe that I hadn't made you a flickr contact yet and I'm kicking myself that I've missed out on a daily dose of your's been rectified.
I'm thrilled that you are taking time to create artwork that comes from the core of who you are and it must be so satisfying to put brush to paper and have the inspiration flow...just like The Invitation, it leaves me all aflutter.
Hi G,
The Invitation is wonderfully quirky, I love it, and I am so glad you've sold it, hope it's gone to a good home.
I think she is lovely and i'm very pleased she sold so quickly thats excellent. Looking forward to seeing more
I'm really not surprised that this gorgeous art has sold.
Glad you are 'doing your own thing' - I know exactly what you mean! You have also inspired me to buy a moleskine sketechbook - off to try it out shortly!
Hi Gretel,
Those Wigs are fabulous! I really love your work, its got a certain atmosphere to it. I'd like to see it animated.
I was tempted by those Moleskines I saw in the art shop the other day, I think you've convinced me to part with my cash and get one for myself now.
I love your imagination and what comes out of your pen.
I have a thing about big hats too...
I've had this character with a big hat kicking around for months in my head with a story. Just trying to get it formed out right first...
All yer posts get 25 comments! I'm glad there's cyberspace so I can drop by every now & then.
WOW! Some hat! Reminded me of one of the aunties from James and the Giant peach! or was it Willy Wonka? Oh dear must be my age! LOL!
I like that you've left this more or kess unexplained, I can imagine the story....The drawings are really amazing. Are they watercolour and ink?
Hey Gretel. . .I have been tagged and I am so sorry to do this to you. . .but you have been tagged!
Go to my blog to see the rules. . .I hope to learn more about you
Just wanted to say thank you again for helping me with my blog. It has been interesting reading through your posts again.
Your 40th birthday blog leaves me stuck for words, how sad to lose your parents when you were so young and not to be able to be with your Mum at the end. Awful that you should have been left with such guilt and remorse at that age. The sad thing is that the system still fails so many children that are stuck in it today. Glad you were able to achieve your goal, your art work is quite wonderful.
Loved the photo of the Runners we have just got a pair but they aren't very friendly at the mo, also I need to try and get hold of another female. Also my dad was telling me that he has spotted quite a few snakes around this year which is very unusual. He put it down to all the building work that is going on in their village.
I really like the little bird on top of her hair!
Thank you so much for the link PG,it means a lot to me.
Gorgeous artwork. btw - You're it!
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