...and he brought - another lovely Goddess doll from dear Ms Robyn...like the last one, she must have taken a detour in her travels, as she was supposed to arrive in time for Christmas, but arrived safely in January. Here she is sat with Duncan, waiting for the 2007 festivities.

...bizarre yet scrummy chocolate mushroooms from the Laundry Fairy, these are the last survivors saved specially for the photo...

...incuding this hot chocolate kit, with a frighteningly large dried chilli - just look at the size of it - it could serve a pillow for a newborn baby! I am somewhat in awe of it, and prod it from time to time to see if it is alive...

(There was something else especially wonderful in this parcel, but I don't think I can show it yet, suffice to say that Tara, you are amazing, and everyone is going to love it when you can spill the beans!)

...and finally, my copies of 'Pinwheel Days', which has finally hit all good USA bookshops everywhere, but especially your local Amazon. I am finally published!
Hi Gretel,
Have you tried the chilli hot chocolate yet?
It's LOVELY!, the chilli was much sweeter than i had expected.
wow what fantastic things you received from that most popular of people these days, the postman or postperson. heehee
I WILL be getting a copy of that book, I am SO excited for you!!
I hope you ar having a warm and cozy weekend!
Another wonderful post; I am intrigued by the very large, dried chilli - what are you going to do with it??!! Looking forward to catching up properly :)
What wonderful luscious things you received in the mail. Hearty congratulations on the published Pinwheel Days. You must be walking around on cloud nine!
No need to post this, but you might want to fix your amazon link.
Hurray! Well done you! I will be picking up my copy in the very near future.
Should have thought to give more warning about the heat level on the hot and sour soup... it is tasty, though. And I am something of a hothead when it comes to spices.
Around here there is a very good Southern-style barbecue joint called Dixie's BBQ, and the owner has created a fiery oxblood-colored pepper sauce which he calls "The Man." I think it may very well be the most blistering, caustic stuff short of hot lava. My digestive tract has been permanently scarred by The Man. I drank an entire pitcher of water after trying a tiny drop of The Man.
Fear The Man!
Yeah! Congrats Gretel! Your published!
What fabulous goodies you have been sent, all so yummy and scrummy. Well done on getting published I shall hop off to Amazon to find it right now!
I am so excited for you on the book and being published. I will be getting my copy soon.
What lovely things you have received in the post. Thats wonderful to see your book in print.
Many congratulations on Pinwheel Days, so exciting hope loads and loads sell.
Congratulations on Pinwheel Days, I will be popping over to Amazon to look for it. Tara, is definitely the chocolate queen she does such interesting things with it, such as meat rubs etc. Chocolate mushrooms sounds like an interesting concept and the soup sounds really intriguing.
Yeee Haaa! Well done, Miss P. I shall get myself and everyone else I can think of a copy of your book - well, OBVIOUSLY, we think of it as YOUR book.
Groovy collection of goodies you have displayed, certainly designed to keep out the cold - the soup sounds scary though.
Huzzah!!!!!!!! Congrats Gretel! You must be so excited!! i hope you've been jumping up and down! (i would be!) I'll be buying myself a copy of pinwheel days! ooh i feel excited for you :o)
Congratulations :)
Hello Gretel,
First time I've posted here. Just to say, I really love your work, welcome to the published world and I will be putting in my order for Pinwheel Days.
Heather Ellis
What a lot of great things and Pinwheel days looks fantastic, I'll certainly be ordering a copy!
I keep forgetting to say, when I was Xmas shopping I saw lots of copies of the gorgeous Princess's Handbook on display in either Borders or Waterstones on Oxford St. Wish I'd taken a photo.
Hi Gretel, Congratulations on publishing your new book. I am really excited for you. It must be a great feeling. I will get a copy.
What wonderful things you`ve recieved! And congratulations on being published!!!
Congrats. on the book, well done to you!
I love hot and sour soup too.
A BIG congrats! How excited were you to open up the first box of books?? Such great news! I have a big smile on my face thinking about your achievement- the first book of many, many more!
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