Still heading towards the Disney deadline...not had time to do any other work apart from this little picture for a friend who is in need of a 'Get Well' card. I don't usually work this spontaneously - just sketching and painting directly onto the watercolour paper.

Spontaneous sketching/painting is something I want to do more of. I get stuck in the very planned-out-illustrator mode too easily.
A good friend of mine just started her own blog (see my links - look for Michelle) - and she is the queen of spontaneous sketching/painting! She's moved somewhat away from illustration and is working more painterly-fine-artish, in oils now, but I'm trying to be motivated and inspired by her example...
spontaneous sketching-painting always has a lively and playfull quality, that controlled painting sometimes lacks. Being the control freak in a previous life, I have learned to let go more...letting go was hard btw.. :(
I like this little sketch PG....
it has a innocense and "warmth" to it...
Thank you! I am a bit of a control freak and this is something done simply from the heart.
I've just found Michelle's blog, I looked at her site y'day - awesome handskills...I like that she is learning from Vermeer's techniques, we don't put enough emphasis over here on how incredibly important and useful it is to 'learn from the masters'. I study Rackham and try to deconstruct his painting methods. I always come away with something new.
We should all try to do at least one spontaneous painting a week I think!
Maybe one a day! (Especially if we do it like Michelle - 20 minutes or less)
Sweet bunny :-)
Lovely! It makes me want to hug someone.
One a day! I fear I would lapse...but the twenty minute (ish) guide is good -and it would be a direct little work, no pre-sketching or planning. Mistakes Would - I've done mine for the week! Any more takers?
This is so lovely. I wish I was more spontaneous. A lot of life to this picture.
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