"This a good day to please yourself. The harsh realities of the everyday world do not appeal to you today, and you would enjoy escaping to a brighter and prettier world, which would do no harm."

Damn right! Who am I to argue with my daily horoscope? Although I'd already fulfilled it by the time I read it. Looking for some ancient artwork from my very dim past - frankly, it could be anywhere. In a book? (which doesn't narrow it down in our house). In a portfolio (no). In a box? Hmm. So many boxes...I searched. I didn't find it. But delving into twenty years worth of collected ephemera (such a nice word and more pleasant than 'junk') I found a few treasures I'd picked up for future inspiration. I have no truck with the exasperated 'you never use this, why don't you get rid of it?' Things always come in handy. Eventually. If only for looking at...

This next was a good find as I am thinking about trying my hand at designing and hand printing simple fabric, retro-style...I love 1950's patterns possibly more than any other.

I even found this, which a certain Border Tart may recognise as a relic from an early venture...(about seven years ago I'd say). And yes, it was delicious. I can still taste it now, all crumbly and lemony...although I think we agreed it was more tablet than fudge. Tablet being harder and more Scottish - fudge being softer and more Western. No nationality comparisons meant at all.

Now here is an old, rather crude venture into paper cutting - a leftover Christmas card from 2000 - that was the year I made everyone homemade sweets, and had more time on my hands. (Did I ever really have the leisure time to make various flavoured fondants and hand dip them in chocolate?)

And finally these little darlings, just snippets picked up from a dealer in Reading

All of which is a bit irrelevant to my original intention of finding the old artwork. I was going to write a post about how much I am enjoying papercutting, and finding my old sketchbook full of silhouette designs. How the first really 'me' art I did was when picked I up an ink brush when I was seventeen and...but that will have to wait until next time.
For everyone if the UK which has been mightily rained on...for all you Canadian, US, Australian and New Zealand mothers, celebrating Mother's Day or remembering lost ones...for anyone who feels the "need to escape to a brighter and prettier world" - I give you a very small snapshot of our woods, covered in a gauze of bluebells. Acres and acres of them.
For everyone if the UK which has been mightily rained on...for all you Canadian, US, Australian and New Zealand mothers, celebrating Mother's Day or remembering lost ones...for anyone who feels the "need to escape to a brighter and prettier world" - I give you a very small snapshot of our woods, covered in a gauze of bluebells. Acres and acres of them.