To my pleasant surprise I recently found myself the unintentional winner of a batch of 'cake pops'. I had to be educated as to what these were, (it's a cupcake decoration) but once enlightened was only to delighted to accept them from Angel's Kitchen. Cupcakes. Harder than I thought. Had visitors + small children a couple of weeks ago and thought I'd just *whip up a batch or two* while cleaning the house from top to bottom. Silly me. Took a lot longer than I thought to do the most rudimentary decoration. (If you have now read the story of 'Mrs Mouse's Cupcakes' it is not a million miles away from what happens to me when I entertain rare guests, I try to do everything at once with disastrous results).

And although in the end they looked vaguely passable, upon sampling them later - when said guests had departed - I discovered that they were somewhat dense and dare I say, a little heavy? Oh dear...could have done with those highly edible cake poppers.

I should stick to needle felting and leave the cake baking to the grown ups. Popsicle is another commission just crossed off my order list.

I have had some really lovely blog reviews of my book, my head is swollen beyond redemption I fear. So many, many thanks to my friends
Anne of Frayed at the Edge
Janet of The Empty Nest
Aaron Paquette
(one of my oldest blog-buddies - not in age, but in length of time!)
Janet of The Empty Nest
Aaron Paquette
(one of my oldest blog-buddies - not in age, but in length of time!)