It is a cold, damp and dark November night. The village smells of mist and woodsmoke. The woodburner has been going all day, although it doesn't make my fingers any warmer, up here in the studio. We have been given our first brace of pheasant of the season, and Andy has been in the dank, twilit yard, 'dealing' with them. Sounds of chopping and rinsing. I would have 'dealt with them' myself, but I have not stopped working at one thing or another for weeks now. I have been out of the village twice this month, each time to the woods, as posted previously. Can't remember the last time I went to any town or shops - not including the Co-op down the road. Which is almost a shop.
To anyone who has visited the Hovel and marvelled at my neat and tidy workspace, I display to the whole world, my recent shame...piles of STUFF everywhere as I combine finishing a Christmas tag order/doing an illustration for deadline which crept up on me while doing aforementioned tag order/packing up Etsy and shop orders/trying to find a spare moment to design two more Christmas cards, and update this poor little blog, the latter of which I seem to be achieving anyway. Some readers may recognise one or two things in my little heaps...
To anyone who has visited the Hovel and marvelled at my neat and tidy workspace, I display to the whole world, my recent shame...piles of STUFF everywhere as I combine finishing a Christmas tag order/doing an illustration for deadline which crept up on me while doing aforementioned tag order/packing up Etsy and shop orders/trying to find a spare moment to design two more Christmas cards, and update this poor little blog, the latter of which I seem to be achieving anyway. Some readers may recognise one or two things in my little heaps...

I may be surrounded by miscellaneous THINGS but many of them are things from lovely friends and everywhere I look I spot something which makes me smile (Tara and my SOSF saving your packs for the calm after the storm, I am a chronic hoarder, I'm sorry...)

My table! where did it go?

(Note to my Hallowe''een SOSF partner - see that chair in the bottom right hand corner? With the bluey picture on? Under that is my lovely lovely box, you can just see it peeking out beneathwhich I keep in sight (usually) to spur me on...)
The only peaceful area, waiting to be packed up tonight and sent down to Your Life Your Style, which opens today in Winchester - good luck to her and all who sail in her!

I will resurface later in week when things are more - manageable. And tidy. Must have some tidy. Tidy is good.