The Cotswolds are looking particularly beautiful at present - the landscape seems ever so slightly blurred at the edges, as if seen through a misted glass. We are also enjoying a spot of 'Indian Summer', so collecting eggs is even more enjoyable than usual.

Marjorie and I don't often venture out of this side of the village as it leads up a very long and steep hill, which we find ourselves obliged to puff and push up. However, there is an excellent source of eggs nearby, from the Barrington Farm Estate. If you are driving to or from Burford along the A429, you are literally seconds away from it and I do recommend trying them out. (They sell double yolkers too).

The metal 'egg box' is a little austere, but it's more jolly inside. Self service here and an honesty tin.

We always buy the seconds. They are an absolute bargain; two dozen lovely free range organic eggs for £3.20 - who minds if they are a bit wonky and mismatched? (Feathers are free).

Returning home is easier. Downhill all the way and glorious views of our patch.

Then an industrious afternoon trying some new lino blocks.

Rather familiar looking little landscapes - no prizes for guessing where I get my inspiration from.

I'm still very much at the 'remembering how you do this thing' stage and there were many rejects. But I did get a handful of saleable ones - House on the Hill and Autumn Fields. Each is under a fiver - and you can't get two pints of beer for that nowadays. Not down here, anyway.
