Showing posts with label NEC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEC. Show all posts


Lovely links

On Monday my friend chauffeured me to the NEC Spring Fair, where I saw the end results of my Disney work. There was a delicious secrecy, (taken into a secluded cubicle away from prying eyes) as the range of cards is not to be launched until next year. I was the first person to see the mock-ups and got a bit weepy as I saw the end results of my labours in print for the first time. The designers have done a marvelous job and I can't wait to see them in the shops. But I will have to wait at least another year...

I guess because my profession is illustration, I find it hard to enjoy other people's artwork without a highly critical eye. But I confess I fell swooningly in love with Angie Lewins' work; gorgeous flat lino prints of seedheads and still lives, sophisticated natural colours and a retro jazz 50's ambience. I am besotted. I am lost. But not entirely; I am also fickle. Five minutes later I had discovered the sublime woodcut stationary range of Mariaelisa Leboroni, who was there in person to promote her own work. With the help of a friendly interpreter (she had little English; I have no Italian) we made kindly noises at each other - but unfortunately her products don't seem to be available in the UK yet.

Later that day, when my crocked hip/back were aching and my senses overwhelmed by a day of gawping at lovely things, I found my tired, swollen hand being massaged by the kind spirit who is 'Naturaleigh' beauty products. I almost cried with gratitude and think I owe it to myself to invest in some bergamot scented avocado hand cream...