W.G.Grace - born in Queen Victoria's England and a cricketing legend.

W.G Goose. Created on Friday the 12th of September, a five day slog of a needle felting marathon.

A sometimes undignified process...too many cricket teas have been the downfall of many a fine waistline.

Dressed in the colours of Eynsham Cricket Club ('our' team, for better or worse)

And standing a magnificent (and slightly excessive because oh boy did my shoulder hurt after five days of stabbing) 32.5 cm tall (nearly 13 inches).

He was my entry for the Folksy/Howies Design week competion - alas, despite his impressive girth and dignified demeanour, he didn't make it to the shortlist.
But I'm glad I made him anyway, if only to remind myself to keep things small in future.
(What is Folksy? Folksy is a fledgling UK craft site, after the manner of Etsy - but with pounds, not dollars. At the moment my loyalty remains principally with dear old Etsy, but it is nice to work with our own currency, and to have events organised that we can participate in. So, early days, but they've got off to a good start and good luck to them).

W.G Goose. Created on Friday the 12th of September, a five day slog of a needle felting marathon.

A sometimes undignified process...too many cricket teas have been the downfall of many a fine waistline.

Dressed in the colours of Eynsham Cricket Club ('our' team, for better or worse)

And standing a magnificent (and slightly excessive because oh boy did my shoulder hurt after five days of stabbing) 32.5 cm tall (nearly 13 inches).

He was my entry for the Folksy/Howies Design week competion - alas, despite his impressive girth and dignified demeanour, he didn't make it to the shortlist.
But I'm glad I made him anyway, if only to remind myself to keep things small in future.
(What is Folksy? Folksy is a fledgling UK craft site, after the manner of Etsy - but with pounds, not dollars. At the moment my loyalty remains principally with dear old Etsy, but it is nice to work with our own currency, and to have events organised that we can participate in. So, early days, but they've got off to a good start and good luck to them).