Several weeks ago one of my collectors asked if I would consider a hare commision. Oh dear. I have been trying to design a hare ever since I took up needle felting over three years ago and have failed.
As shy and hard to catch as the real creature itself, I have been unable to visualise a satisfactory toy version, despite it being one of my favourite animals.
But I've broken the hare curse at last! Maybe it was because someone actually requested one, but I finally saw how it would be done. He has glass eyes, a waxed cotton nose and thread jointed arms -
Even underneath, where it won't be seen, attention to detail is paramount.
At my client's request, he was named Harris. Of course, now I've cracked the hare code, I have all manner of similar characters in mind, but they will have to wait until my present orders are fulfilled.
I get many enquiries about when I am going to update my Etsy shop with more needle felt things; I seem to work mostly to order now, but I have two little toadstools looking for homes and who knows when I'll have time to make more...
I am having another 'Puddletown Tales' book signing, this time in central Oxford, at Waterstones bookstore on the corner of Broad Street - very soon! In fact, this Saturday the 27th of August, 1.30 - 4.30. If it's possible for you to make it (and help me break the last record of one book sale) I'd love to see you there and put names to faces.

As shy and hard to catch as the real creature itself, I have been unable to visualise a satisfactory toy version, despite it being one of my favourite animals.

But I've broken the hare curse at last! Maybe it was because someone actually requested one, but I finally saw how it would be done. He has glass eyes, a waxed cotton nose and thread jointed arms -

Even underneath, where it won't be seen, attention to detail is paramount.

At my client's request, he was named Harris. Of course, now I've cracked the hare code, I have all manner of similar characters in mind, but they will have to wait until my present orders are fulfilled.

I get many enquiries about when I am going to update my Etsy shop with more needle felt things; I seem to work mostly to order now, but I have two little toadstools looking for homes and who knows when I'll have time to make more...

I am having another 'Puddletown Tales' book signing, this time in central Oxford, at Waterstones bookstore on the corner of Broad Street - very soon! In fact, this Saturday the 27th of August, 1.30 - 4.30. If it's possible for you to make it (and help me break the last record of one book sale) I'd love to see you there and put names to faces.

He;s so cute! It looks like he's wearing pea pods for boots :)
I'm trying to save for your mushrooms which I totally adore. Our money is a little tight which will make saving that much sweeter!
I hope more bunnies and hares find there way soon.
Harris is certainly I very handsome chappy
Ooh, Harris is a fabulous beast! Hares are my favourite wild animals too, and owls are my favourite birds. One day I shall commission both to keep watch over my books!
Harris is quite a character, sweet and clever looking!
Good luck with the Saturday book signing. I wished I could be there!
I checked Waterstone if I could order your books online.
I would like to have a signed copy. Would you sign one to be then mailed by Waterstone to a UK address?
OMG, he's adorable!!!!!
And he is awesome!
I'd love to go if only to see my favourite cardigan! ;) Sadly I can't because I'm away then. Many congratulations Gretel!xx
Have a wonderful book signing. How I wish I could be there. What a trek that would be!
Harris is delightful.
Oh Gretel...he's perfect!
From his pea pod toes to his little hare nose, up above the grasses, sniffing the air.
Love him.
Wonderful hare! Very best wishes winging their way to you for Saturday ... hope you have a fab day! M x
I love Harris! Good luck with the book signing - I'm sure they will be queueing up to meet you!! I would be there if a) we lived closer, and b) we weren't going out to celebrate our Silver Wedding!!
He is beautiful, right down to his bean-pod boots. I like the subtle colours too, that silvery brown, and the lovely long ears.
Would love to be in Oxford this Saturday... I'll definitely be there in spirit.
Wow! Handsome Harris! ♥ him! Best of luck at your book signing on Saturday.
Gretel, here is a confession. I have never really seen a hare myself, and my entire notion of hare-ness is based on stories, illustrations, photos, etc. I think that seeing Harris has added lots to my understanding of the true essence of a hare.
Many thanks! Best wishes to you on the book signing. Gosh, how I wish I lived nearby because I would definitely be in the queue to have a book signed.
When I was coming back from doing Bruce yesterday morning a hare popped out of the newly harvested field and sat on the track watching me for a while- in fact we just watched eachother waiting to see who would make the first move. It was a wonderfully magical moment and with him fresh in my mind, I think you've got the fairy-essence just right with Harris.
So rarely do you see a hare that looks right- somehow people manage to recreate a body but forget the little soul.
I love the way he can always sit on the little label- thus avoiding cold hare bum!
Harris is perfect!! :) I hope the signing was a success? x
Love the little heart on the bottom and the darker tips to the ears. He does seem to have that special hare-y air that keeps them so free and wild looking, but friendly too. Wish I could be at your book signing too, but I'm a bit too far away. Good luck!
He is absolutely wonderful and perfect!
Good luck with the book signing. :)
Hello Gretel,
Ok...I will keep this short and sweet...
Yes...all caps...yes I know, that means I am shouting
And just look at you with those sexy legs and that gorgeous cardigan...you go girl!
I know you will break the one book record and I really wish I could be witness to that.
Enjoy the day
Janet xox
He's gorgeous - reminds me of those Chinese moon gazing rabbits but with a bit more attitude!
Good luck with your book-signing, I hope it's really successful.
A perfect little hare - and I love his little boots.
What a fabulous little hare, he's gorgeous of course :D I love your cardigan as well, it's so scrummy.
Good luck with the book signing.x
Hello, Gretel! I like Little Harris very much (my favourite is his second photo)! I'm sure he'll have a lot of brothers and sisters in different colours and all prettified (like he is) with lovely details!
I wish you good luck in Oxford! I hope a lot of people will come, like your book and buy it! I wish you to come back, tired of emotions and signing!:-)
Lovely little hare my dear!! So glad someone challenges you on this one - he came out so great! =D
He can visit the buns at Hopalong Hollow any day of the week, they think he is simply divine!
Lovable Hare - adore the green long socks. Your toadstools are perfect!
Happy to say I am not following your blog.
Lorraine xx
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