'TWIN BEDS' 2002
...to rest for a very long time - no chance of that happening. I've not got the time (or much energy) for anything except this job but I miss my blogs and I miss my internet friends, who I hope will forgive me for not being *around* much.
We TOTALLY understand. . . we get that way during the Christmas season. You'll get that rest, and when you do, you'll appreciate it that much more!
We'll still be here when you come up for air!
I loved seeing photographs of your stall! Wish I could have been there. It looked wonderful.
Enjoy your rest! Carla
PG, we certainly miss you, too!
Hoping that those projects don't do you in, and that before long you'll be able to sleep as long as you'd like, when you like. And then...tell us all about your dreams!
I hope you do get some rest in between paintings!
I wonder if Positive Painting Waves can reach you over the internet?
Your "Twin Beds" has such a cosy and nostalgic look, I'm reminded both of Disney's Seven Dwarfs house and of Mole's bunk beds.
Take care, I hope you can let us have a partial peek at what you've been working on.
Carry on Gretel! We will all be here when your are done...but I have a feeling you might have opened a talented can of worms ;-) I have no doubt you will be leaving us all clamoring for more once we see what you have been up to.
I adore the painting..the candles on the headboard..so whimsical!
Occupational hazard. Not to worry.
The best part of the painting, IMO, is the cat making the most of two pairs of feet at once.
As you have friends all around the world, I,m sure that positive and sustaining thoughts are beamed at you by day and night.
I do like the silhouettes in the window of that darling painting.
I hope you can sneak in a good rest between working... Love the painting.
You must rest every so often - how else will those phenominally creative batteries of yours get re-charged?
I hope you manage to squeeze in a little rest somewhere. I know how it is, though and sometimes I blog in my head, because I don't have time to do it in reality (that sounds slightly mad, I know!).
Take care and plan a holiday or break soon so that you don't wear yourself out.
You just keep your nose to the grindstone lady....no time now for a rest... no precious time to fritter away blogging.
There's work to be done...so you become famous and... hey...maybe even rich! Then, ..... then, you can rest or do whatever you darn well please.....
We'll all still be here.... checking up on you and your creaitons whenever we notice you do an update on your blog...
My art world has been diminished to a small counter space in my brothers garage as I sort through the stubble of my marriage and divorce. I'm working full time now as I need the benefits of a 'real' job..but o how I miss my glass and the luxury of playing at being an 'artist' whatever that means.
Your blog is salve right now..I haven't been around in a long time. Thank you my dear for your lovely imagination and especially for sharing it all in the way that you do.
Over the garden wall is right - positive vibes to boost your batteries coming from all around the world!!!!
I know you must be so very busy. Completely understand about finding time to blog. I think of you so often and hope you are doing well.
Take good care.
You know where we are when you have time to visit and we are all rooting for you and feeling proud of your successes...after all you are our friend.
You say you don't have time for blogging? No need to apologize - I understand you. Do work upon your projects and don't worry about us.:-) I miss your posts, but I know you are busy creating something beautiful and sooner or later we'll hear about it... Congratulations for taking part in Teddy Bears' Anniversary! I wish I was there to see you, your cards and toys and everything in your tiny, cosy corner!... It's so nice you'll have the opportunity to become a member of the British Toymakers Guild! Good luck in everything, Gretel!
You are so sweet and happy among your most precious toys!! I've kept from my childhood my Teddy bear, called Meduncho (with one eye left!)and three dolls.....:)
How's it going? Any sign of light at the end of the tunnel yet? Hang in there and we'll see you on the other side!!
Definitely forgiven. Will patiently wait for you. Hope you get some rest soon.
Always nice to see a little painting from you, even though you are such a busy bee. Thanks for finding the time, I love this painting. :o) xx
Thinking good thoughts in your direction...
Perhaps you could find a shop like the one I drew (yes, that is my drawing, not a passing five-year old) for this post http://frayedattheedge.typepad.co.uk/frayed_at_the_edge/2009/07/weekword-time.html
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