Apologies for the scary picture. What you are witnessing is my time honoured tradition of getting down on my knees to sniff the first primroses of spring. For it is spring, at last; even more welcome after such a long old winter.

There is a faint green fuzz covering the Cotswolds, as dead-looking wood tentatively sends out the first shoots.

Lambs are gambolling as only lambs do - some of them so new, so fragile, that they get a bit wobbly and have to lie down for a little power nap. Or stop for a snack.

So far the woods are promising many things: fat bluebell spears thrusting through the old autumn leaves, like a thousand tiny armies and honeysuckle gauzily draped round the silver birches. But only the primroses have emerged to smile at us. At times, the air is almost, dare I say it, warm. Now there's something to stick your bottom in the air about!

Isn't it just glorious today! Been doing a bit of flower sniffing myself. Glad you have emerged from the studio for a while - too nice to stay in.
Not a scary picture at all! Made me smile to think of you kneeling down to smell the Primroses. Oh you are lucky to have them in bloom. There's something so wonderful at seeing the emerging greens and little flowers. I remember your Bluebell pictures from last spring! Have a good week ~
Things still chilly and damp here, after some unseasonably warm weather. I feel transported, seeing your photos.
I haven't been to your part of the world since 1979, and I loved it (& wish/hope that I may return someday)! It is wonderful to hear about it, and see it through your eyes. Your photos are beautiful (and I would stop and smell new flowers, too).
There is something about stepping outside and smelling the earth again - not just cold air. It hasn't happened quite yet for us but soon. Really wish I was there for the lambs:)
You made me laugh out loud! Wonderful picture! Gosh, I wish I were there today to smell some primroses myself. It's pouring rain and quite cold here. It'll be roast chicken, knitting, reading and naps for me! Lovely post!!
A wonderful spring post, a breathe of fresh air!
Primroses are lovely and as you say, the sunshine is so welcome after our unusually harsh winter.
Let's raise a glass to spring, "Bottoms up" I say!
Just found your blog, attracted here by the name, to which I related. Worlds apart,but so much the same, thank you for sharing your insights and humor and talent.
the first signs of spring are my favorite sights!
Gretel ... I can no longer sign in with my name and url so my comments always come up as fellows (my work blog) not Becca ... any chance that could be changed. It's the reason I no longer comment and would love to!
Yet another interesting 'ass'pect of your life;¬)
that made me laugh!
Thanks for those cheery pics. Here it is snowy again, alternating with rain. :(
Thanks for sharing all your spring sights with us!! Primroses are so cheerful aren't they. Today it has been so warm, we even saw a bat flitting around at 6pm. The first of the year and early in the evening, too. Two woodpigeons have been flapping around all day trying to make baby woodpigeons... whether they were successful or not we shall have to wait and see :-)
It has been a glorious spring day here in Nottingham. I just love this time of year.
Ah PG, it's the Ides of March, and spring will be here sooo soon.
I love each of your photos.
How I wish that I could bend over and catch the scent of a primula. A few weeks ago, I did buy a little plastic (yes, plastic) pot of primulas in a gorgeous red accented cadmium yellow combo. So far I have kept them alive in my plant-unfriendly apartment, but the newest blossoms are much paler than the originals.
I so envy you your access to the real outdoors. I spent this afternoon in the basement stockroom of the shop, and wondered ... should I really be quite so thankful to have a job.
Those beautiful lambs are what I would have rather seen today.
Oh, tut tut bottoms up...I love this. I love your spirit, your sense of joy, your awareness that spring is coming in such a lovely spot.
You make my heart sing.
I bless the day I found you..what can I say, except that you have enriched my life...with your art..so amazing and your sensibilities.
Oh we are SO ready for spring here too! But we don't have cute lambs around here to watch....
Hahaha great picture!! It was such a lovely sunny weekend wasn't it? My forsythia's out today. That means it's Spring Official.x
Love the little lambs! Spring is showing it's face here in Virginia, USA also. My crocus and double daffodils are up and my Cleveland Pears trees will be flowering any day now. Natures way of being 'Born Again' ;-)
Isn't it fab? I can feel my mood lifting as the temperature rises and the nights draw out! My first daffodil is nearly open here! I'm ridiculously excited :-D
I love that picture :) Yes spring is almost here and doesn't it feel fab!
Kim x
I love the scent of primroses, so delicate there is nothing quite like it ( Well, maybe the bluebells soon to follow)
Your picture made me laugh this fine spring day :)
ha! happy spring sniffing to you too, aint it been luverley of late!
Ah, very good! Thanks for posting those pictures, especially the first one as I now know that should we meet I would recognise you!
Did whoever took that picture have your permission!!!
Maybe we could see one of the other end of you sometime?I share the sentiment but haven't seen any primroses yet near here.
Heh. :-) Great picture. I'm so glad spring is emerging finally. (I'm thinking my computer background might be needing some lambies..? :-)
A very cute photo. It is nice to know you are out and about enjoying life.
Take good care.
Such lovely reminders of the promise of spring, thank you! :-)
I searched for signs of spring in the city today, but the blustery March wind soon gathered a herd of clouds and dashed any hope of a warmer afternoon (it was only two days ago that I walked the warmer climes of Rome).
Sweet lambs and primroses. How I miss an English spring. Thanks for sharing.
You can't beat primroses for actually convincing you spring is on the way!!!
I so enjoy your blog.
Lots of lovely Spring images - I must get down and smell my primroses too, I didn't realise they are scented.
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