

...I think I need to get out more.


Elizabeth Musgrave said...

If you are anything like me, when you do you want to come home.

Joanna said...

Its lovely to get out but its so nice to be back home all warm and cosy with the log burner glowing. Is that a fish tail? Its kind of an interesting head piece.

Gretel said...

:) Yes, you are right there Elizabeth!

It is a head piece Jo, but not a fish tail, when it is painted up it will be a kind of mediaeval head-dress, like a two pronged wimple.

Erica-Jane said...

Don't venture out, the outside is full of trolls in tracksuits! Stay in your cottage, where it's sane.....


Unknown said...

or stay in more, this is great. Really wonderfully weird and great.

Anonymous said...

A viking soda siphon?

Caroline B said...

This has a sort of Oriental feel to it - can't wait to see it painted.

Rima Staines said...

Hello G .. this is lovely ... I love the idea of a two-pronged wimple!
Re - getting out more ... ooh no, staying in with a cuppa is much better! The best kind of getting out is when it's to places where there are trees and no people - so a sort of staying in with grass underfoot :)
Love your wishy washy painting and seeing How It Is Done ... you are a genious! x

Anonymous said...

But what's HIDING in there? Undo the buttons so we can see! - love the little pocket btw.

Elizabeth said...

This is a wonderful strange drawing.
I love it.
You don't necessarily need to get out. Most of the interesting stuff happens in your head anyway!
All best wishes

Gail said...

Can't wait to see this one painted up!

Wish I could stay in more - I have to venture out into the nasty world everyday :( I'm all for staying in with a lovely cup of coffee ... a good book ... a sketch book too ... ;)

Anonymous said...

I think you already got out. You are not living in London. It took me nearly three hours to get to work yesterday and having worked for four hours I had to travel back to pick my son up from school.
On thw way home he was asking me questions about science and was annoyed that my answers were so hard to comprehend. To be totally honest by this time I wasn't even sure what my name was.:-)