
Jolly flowers

I cycled up to the man who sells cut flowers and veg from his garden. I grabbed the last bunch of Marigolds. I eyed the fat bunches of Sweet Williams and looked in my purse. I ummed and ahhed. Life is too short to deny oneself such humble delights. I ran back and got me some. It is raining again, and I am confined to my paintbrush, but here in the Hovel there is a bright patch of summer. And for you too.


Catherine Hayward said...

Much needed bit of sunshine, thank you very much, Gretel :)

Anonymous said...

Quite simply - delightful!

Anonymous said...

So pretty!! I would have run back too

Tea said...

Beautiful! Nothing like a nice couquet of fresh flowers :)


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Oh yes, life is way to short, so much beauty! Thank you for sharing ...

OldBagNewTricks said...

Even if it was your last dime... ESPECIALLY if it was your last dime, these lovely flowers are well worth the splurge -- who more than you deserves them. (My favorite thing to do in Germany was to buy blumen from the vegetable truck, with my last few pfennig.) Paint away... and thanks for peeking in on my new grandchild -- isn't he the dreamiest? LOL


Anonymous said...

Excellent flowers, aren't pinks and oranges always so wonderful together?

Thanks for the brightness on this cold drizzly evening!

Anonymous said...

Such vibrant colours definetly a must have.

Becky said...

Gorgeous! What delicious colours.

lettuce said...

gorgeous - the marigolds and sweet wills are so wonderful together and for each other!

Paula Bowles said...

And love your new blogheader too :o)

Anonymous said...

HEY Gretel! Love the flowers, but I really think the new banner is so you...it's great!It defines you and your work perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks...I needed that!

Anonymous said...

Reposting to add my 'wow!' for the new banner! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment - I've been a closet reader of yours for a while, it's strange that you managed to find me too! Serendipitous, methinks!

I love sweet williams and marigolds - we have no problem growing the latter, but it's so hard to wait 2 Summers for the sweet williams!

Have a lovely week (we too are deluged in rain and high winds...), it's time for a cuppa and some housework :)

tlchang said...

What you you all call marigolds, we call calendula over here. Our marigolds are ubiquitous and a different plant entirely (tagetes)(although the colors are similar).

Your new banner is terrific. I actually designed one for my blog whilst on the plane this weekend - I'll have to consult you on the particulars..

Kristin Nicholas said...

Lovely bouquet - looks so much like summer. I think we call those calendulas in the States.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Such a lovely bunch of summer delight they are...the colors are gorgeous like bright sunshine!