
Little autumn feasts

We're properly on the verge of winter now and I am working my fingers off making new things for a local Christmas fair, But sometimes it's good to get out, so Joe took me to Squirrel Park, where I was promised - well, squirrels.

And there they were, looking ridiculously seasonal and doing proper squirrel things with nuts.

Bounding about with enviable energy.

Not only burying nuts, but finding hidden stashes...

...and having an early nibble.

Although we hadn't done any bounding about, the wind was getting up and the afternoon darkening. So as I was in need of a little sustenance myself, we headed over to Patisserie Valerie (again), where Joe treated us to  hot chocolate brownies and double chocolate gateaux. Because winter needs cake. Or nuts, if you're a squirrel. 


Jess said...

Oh my goodness that chocolate feast!!! What a perfect addition to a winter's day out. xx

Mac n' Janet said...

We all need chocolate, that's for sure. Always enjoy the antics of our squirrels.

Lin said...

I love that Joe just sorta knows the things that make us smile: squirrels and sweets. He's a good egg, that Joe. :)

I always like how the squirrels pat their stash after burying it. It makes me giggle.

Vintage Jane said...

I have a love/hate relationship with squirrels! Yes, they look cute but they are not so cute when you have them in your attic! We had a pair of them in our attic ... they woke us up every night at around 3am with their scratching, they started chewing everything and they pulled the insulation out - there were little bits of it all over the garden! We had a helluva job getting rid of them. We tried traps, high pitched noise machines, scarers ...
The choc feast looks wonderful.
M x

Anonymous said...

Wonderful squirrel photos ...... and as for the cakes - yum, yum, YUM!!

Soozcat said...

Yay, squirrels! And yay, impressive photography work! Squirrels can be tough to photograph, especially while in motion (which seems to be about 90 percent of the time).

rachel said...

Squirrels AND Patisserie Valerie cake! Bliss.......