
Rockpool sketching


Sometimes it's good just to forget about artwork being *good* and to simply enjoy the process of observing and sketching. Sitting by the rockpools of Arran, Scotland, scribbling away, my burdens lightened for a few brief hours.


  1. Nothing like sketchbook work to take you out of yourself. Lovely page.

  2. One of my very favourite occupations! It pushes everything else out of my mind.

  3. It's so different to what I've seen of your paintings before, more loose and relaxed? You've created how I see rockpools! I love your illustrations with the wheeled characters and I love this too!xx

  4. Anonymous12:21 pm BST

    Beautiful! :) Ruth

  5. Sure is!! I too at times have to sit back and just try to relax more, let the lines flow rather than be so pre-thought. Being by water for me is the place to relax, and I love how it makes me feel so alive. Beautiful pictures, the water is so clear and the colours are amazing. I really like your drawing, its soft and lively. I especially love the kelp.

  6. Anonymous1:48 pm BST

    And there is something so very soothing about being by the sea too. Beautiful drawing. Tonia

  7. Gretel, how I love both your photographs and drawings of the rockpool. The fluidity of the pool is a fine subject.

    Grand to know that you've been "on the road" up to Scotland. xo

  8. What a wonderful relaxing time you look to have had. Now is a needle felted rock pool in the horizon?

  9. Just catching up - hope that your time in Scotland has left you refreshed. I love the foxes and geese in your last post, they are so appealing.

  10. Lovely, your photos just get better and better, hope you had an inspiring time. x

  11. Enjoy your well earned rest Gretel. You will return with colours and shapes gleaned in those rock pools.

  12. Beautiful, a pocket of rest for the eye and the soul.

  13. beautiful rockpool. You can't help but be carried away with the beauty of it. Perfect place to paint... :)

  14. Fabulous, Gretel! I'm thankful for those like you who see the detail in nature and take time to delight. Thank you ~so very much~ for sharing.

  15. Arran is a beautiful place to lose yourself in. Love the drawing/ sketch

  16. Hope you've had some lovely weather while yo've been away Gretel.
    Love the photos and your drawing. Taking time to notice the details and immerse yourself in your surroundings.

    Claire x

  17. Beautiful work,as always, I love the photos and the artwork too. Hope you're ok. x

  18. Wonderful shapes and colours in that pool - what a brilliant way to spend time, I'm very jealous!

  19. Art and craft always helps me chill - and what a fab place to be for sketching. Enjoy. x Jo

  20. Arran looks beautiful. Loving the different types of seaweed in the photos and sketches -- those ones with the air bladders are beautiful examples of natural adaptation, as well as just gorgeous shapes to sketch.

  21. So beautiful, what a peaceful activity. Blessings, Pam xx

  22. Sounds lovely...I would have knocked my pencils and everything into the pool!


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