
Knots and rope

Returning back to the mainland from Arran on the ferry, I spent the time collecting knots and ropes. Once I started looking out for them, they became quite beautiful - still life at sea.


  1. They are beautiful, you're right! So much history in those different fibers, knots and weaves, too. I spent some time studying knots to teach youth how to tie them, and was amazed at all the history that went into developing the different kinds of rope. Thank you for seeing the beauty to share with us.

  2. Anonymous1:40 pm BST

    I've always been fascinated by sailors knots - they are extraordinary things and I wonder why each one was created and who by. Lovely close ups. Tonia

  3. Yes, they're lovely. I tied quite a lot of these knots, back in my sailing days. Even learned how to splice rope and make eyes. Wonder if I could still do it...? Comes in handy for embroidery. ;)

  4. Love the colours, shapes and textures that they make. I got my 'knotters' badge when I was a girl guide, can't remember any now though!

  5. There's some nice, nautical knots amongst that lot!

  6. Big, wonderful, handmade, unique nautical knots... they are beautiful, although I think your still lives have made them even more so. Just lovely.

  7. Great knots and the ferry looks like the big brother to our tiny 12 cars one!
    All the best,

  8. so glad that you like knots!! I even went so far once in Killybegs to buy a knot making book from the marine store...still have it ...I collect knots that are discarded by the fishermen on the coasts!!...not sure what yet to do with them ...that is knot sure!!!

  9. Gretel, these photos are so fine, and remind me of learning to tie some knots as a Girl Scout (ages ago,) and also of my dad's enjoying making intricate nautical knots for handles to the cabinets he made, and then on to the 1960's and the golden age of macrame.

    Nowadays, my looping is confined to crochet and knitting, and watching fellow subway train passengers trying to untangle the connecting wires to their ear buds (is that what they are called?) connected to their sources of personal music choices.

    A long way from the open seas.

    Promise to send you an email soon. xo

  10. Have you read The Shipping News? You might like it. Lots of reference to knotwork there. Sad beginning but mostly an uplifting read.

  11. No technology can replace this skill. A great collection.

  12. i would not have given them a second glance, but they are interesting youre right

  13. Just shows there can be beauty in the most mundane of objects!
    Now, your weekend task is to name those knots!

  14. They make me think of plaited hair, the photos will be great for drawing reference.


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