
From the bedroom window

My other neighbours.


  1. ... and they don't play loud music, honk their horns or cut down your prized rose bush!! M x

  2. very nice ones they are too!

  3. Lovely. I would enjoy neighbours like that.

  4. Bet they'd be happy to sort your grass out too!

  5. How nice! So everyone has his own space - to walk, to have a rest, to enjoy the beautiful nature... Does it mean that you could buy fresh milk from someone?:) Hope you are spending a calm summer, dear Gretel!xx

  6. A calming, meditative view. My mother loved cows, the weight and calmness of them.

  7. I love the snuffling/snorting noises that cows make. I learnt to milk when I was a child, and can remember the smell of cows on a summers day, and of the fresh milk, warm and frothy. Very nice neighbours to have, in my opinion!

  8. Great neighbors to have! :D

  9. Made my heart smile! Thank you for sharing pictures of your dear neighbors ;)

  10. A lovely view and lovely neighbors to boot. I used to milk a Jersey. I named her Rosemary. She was a sweet one.
    xo Ellen.

  11. Were I grew up, there was a dairy farm a few houses away. Hundreds of cows and I used to tramp over the fields, not caring where I stepped and coming home reeking and causing my mother fits. I still love that smell; the comfort of the fluttering tails and especially the unexpected mooing.
    I find them very calming, hope you do too.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. When I went on my trip to England we rented a little Morris that developed a flat tire. We pulled off on a shoulder to change it and while doing so felt unearthly eyes watching. It was a nice group of friendly cows who had grown curious and clustered around the fence to watch. After finishing we patted them. Very friendly and a sweet memory :)

  14. Gretel, your four-legged neighbors are quite beautiful. I hope that they might also serve as muses?

    Have you been able to see the Perseid meteor show this week. Hereabouts, cloudy skies (that did not provide rain) have blocked this show from our eyes.


  15. I would like those neighbors...even if they are stinky. I'll take country neighbors over my annoying city ones any day!

  16. Love it! What a great view, and they won't bark for hours, like my neighbors do....well, the people don't bark, but their dogs do! Nice green view.

  17. They all look as though they're having a secret meeting in the last photo. My husband used to paint cows all the time at college, don't know why... strange man. x


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