
Queen's Head workshop

Last week I held an all day workshop in Eynsham, one of our old home villages, at the Queen's Head pub. My favourite pub ever, but today we were not here for beer, but to make little houses. There was plenty of chat as the work began, fueled by home made shortbread.

Breaking at one for lunch, Jackie the landlady had laid on little homebaked  tartlets and salad, as the day was so hot.

Lovely Alice brought us cones of fresh mango sorbet.


And then back to work for a while...

...until afternoon tea, which naturally was scones with jam and cream. Or fruit, if you preferred.

It may sound as if we spent the entire day scoffing, but by the end of a five hour class, every one had made a super house and someone had even made a Christmas pudding. I'm planning a similar workshop at the Queen's Head in September, so if you are interested in pre-booking a place, drop me an email and I'll contact you when the date if confirmed,


  1. Looks like a great day, and venue.

  2. Looks like a fab day! If only I lived closer.

  3. Wonderful creations ... you must be a very good tutor! M x

  4. What a lovely (and tasty)day in a nice company! You are obviously a very good teacher, Gretel, for your students' houses look wonderful! I like the combination of colours and the different kinds of architecture:)

  5. Glad to see you're getting on ok, Gretel although it can't be easy for you.

    Know the Queens Head well - a lovely pub. Sounds like an excuse why I should take up felting in a couple of months time!

    hope you're njoying the weather while it lasts.

  6. What a great day, looks like a lot of fun. Great houses and pudding too : )

    Happy belated birthday, I was looking at that post and you have wonderful people around you and looks you had beautiful day.

  7. Wow Gretel...what a charming village your students have created! And having a village Christmas pudding also adds a certain something to the community.

    Could all that delicious food at the pub have inspired the pudding?

    You definitely are a fine teacher. It's amazing to me that it would be possible to actually finish one of these projects in a day.

    Wow again! xo

  8. What fab creations at what sounded like a fun day for all. Well done you.
    Annie x

  9. I am so impressed with those houses.
    And for certain your teaching skills are right on. I wish I could take a class from you..sigh.
    It's wonderful to read about what you are doing. Love to you dear Gretel.

  10. ...what a great day Gretel...food looks good too!!

  11. Hey! I wanna join this club! That certainly looks like a wonderful day. :)

  12. Anonymous7:24 pm BST

    What wonderful houses - and the food all looked delicious too!

  13. Sounds like a perfect day out! x Jo

  14. absolutely captivating. house castle and teapot like a dream. Is missing small dog scratching the flowers at the garden. Cake and talent were invinted.wonderfull

  15. seems like a wonderful day, and they're definetely wonderful works of art!




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