
Birthday at Cinderhill farm

I'm not big on birthdays and this one came at a particularly bad time. However, the good folks at Cinderhill Farm were determined to make it special for me and somehow I found several cards and a few packages waiting for me at the breakfast table, from various friends who had discovered my hiding place.

Even a pretty parcel from America, from dear Janet and her colleague at 'The Empty Nest' - birthday bunting and the pleasure of reading about her shop in a real, live magazine. Proud friend moment.  

A lovely framed print of Lorna Marrison's, from the artist herself,  of a village shop I know well, back in my old home.


A gorgeous book of David Gentleman's art from some old friends.

Not to mention the book of bird poetry by the Candlestick Press, kindly sent to me by Valerie Greeley which I'd brought with me to read.

Later that day a couple of friends turned up and the woodburner lit, as it was a typical British summer's afternoon.

 Debs had made my favourite coffee and walnut cake.

Serious tea and cake eating commenced as the rain set in outside.

After an unexpectedly pleasant day, thanks to the kindness of so many friends, I was ready to copy the new Cinderhill piglets. I did a lot of sleeping at the farm. 

 (If you're a Twitterer, Cinderhill Farm have a new Twitter account - https://twitter.com/CinderhillFarm)


  1. Happy Birthday Gretel, I think a birthday with Saddleback pigs in it will always be a little special. So glad you had a day like this.

  2. Sleep is such a wonderful healer. I'm so happy you had such a loved and lovely birthday. Edward and I are sending our very best wishes to you.

  3. Happy birthday Gretel, your gifts all look so carefully chosen. How kind your friends are! :)
    Jess xx

  4. That sounds like a special day Gretel. Really glad you got some real spoiling....it's what you deserved.
    Annie x

  5. Birthday wishes from me too!! x Jo

  6. Anonymous7:21 pm BST

    Happy Birthday Gretel!!

  7. So glad you were surrounded by thoughtful caring friends on your birthday, wishing you the very best xxx

  8. Happy Birthday Gretel, So happy that you have such a delightful place to be nurtured in. What wonderful friends you have. As they say; "to have a frïend you must be a friend" so you must be equally wonderful!

  9. I'm glad you had a nice birthday, Gretel. It looks so warm and inviting...and full of peace.

    Happy Birthday, my friend. I wish you a good year ahead.

  10. Dear Gretel,
    So happy that my little parcel arrived in time for the Birthday celebration! I acquired a box of vintage hankies at an Auction and as I was sorting them out, I came upon the Birthday hankie. I knew straight away what I wanted to do with it.....a Birthday Bunting!!!!
    I thought you might like the metal garland to be used for hanging all sort of different items...block prints..cards..photos....etc.
    Coffee and Walnut cake!!!!! YUM!!!!

    Lots of love from across the pond

    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  11. sounds like that place is good medicine xx

  12. So glad you had a special day with presents and cake. I hope your break is doing you the world of good. Best wishes, Jane.

  13. Anonymous1:19 pm BST

    It looks like the perfect place to spend a birthday.
    Birthday wishes from the shire, Tonia x

  14. Continued best Birthday wishes to you, Gretel.

    Cinderhill Farm surely looks like a fine place and the cake and thoughtful gifts look rather fine, too.


  15. Happy Birthday, What a lovely place to spend it,

  16. Dear Gretel, Happy Birthday!
    May the love of your friends always warm your heart and bring you joy! It's really nice that so many people had thought of you and made that day special and full of surprises!
    Be healthy and believe that there're beautiful moments to come!


  17. Check out that awesome cake.......yum.....

    What a wonderful place to spend your birthday Gretel.
    Thoughtful gifts from friends and beautiful scenery. I hope you were able to fill many pages in your sketch book.
    Hoping the sun shines over the weekend for you......

    CLaire X

  18. What lovely thoughtful friends in a beautiful setting. Good birthday wishes to you, Gretel, and I hope you continue to rest and be kind to yourself.

  19. So glad you had wonderful friends to make your birthday a special day. Belated Happy Birthday!

  20. Dearest Gretel,
    Late reading this post as I've been from home. I can well imagine that your birthday was just damned hard without your beloved. I am so glad that you have loving and lovely friends who embrace you at such a hard time...and at the same time, celebrate and recognize the beautiful friend, woman and person whom they love and care for so much.
    I send love your way..so much love, e.

  21. *HAPPY -belated- BIRTHDAY GRETEL* I can tell from you photos it was LOVE abound! Wishing you a new year filled with new discoveries, chocolate, great tea, and laughter.

    HUGS from Virginia,

  22. Hi Gretel ... just wanted to send very happy belated birthday wishes your way. I am so glad you spent the day with dear friends and enjoyed thoughtful gifts and a wonderful cake! M x


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