
Good neighbours


Without a lawnmower and with being so occupied over the last several months, the lawn had grown knee high. I am blessed with the best neighbours ever. They have looked after me since Andy died and are always on hand to help. They bravely offered to mow my hay meadow.

Brian did the big task of strimming. I raked the cuttings and Jean collected them. 'It's what neighbours are for' she said. 


 Brian  finished off the edges the old way, with a sharp bill hook.

 Then we stopped for much needed drinks.


 Ginger beer and shandy with ice.

A few days later, after hearing that I wanted an old-style push along mower, Brian produced this for me -

It's been in bits for eight years, having been at the cottage next door for about fifty years, in Jean's family. Brian got to work and put it together for me one night. Now I can cut my own lawn - without the expense and bother of petrol or electric. Isn't it beautiful? I love it. And I love my neighbours.


  1. How wonderful to have such thoughtful and lovely neighbors

  2. So pleased you are blessed
    with beautiful neighbours...

  3. How lovely, it makes such a difference having good neighbours.

  4. I'm glad you have a new (old) push mower as well. Nice post, Gretel.

  5. How lucky to have such nice neighbours - ours range from absolutely lovely to positively hostile. Love your New mower - it'll keep you fit too.

  6. Anonymous7:55 pm BST

    Good neighbours are hard to find this day image, something to be treasured x

  7. How wonderful human beings can be. So pleased you are blessed this way. You just can't beat a push a long mower can you.

  8. How lovely of your neighbours, and you'll certainly develop a few muscles too.

  9. Dear Gretel,
    I am so glad that you have such thoughtful and generous neighbors. They are a blessing. Love to you.

  10. Aww. Good neighbors! It makes such a huge difference when the people around you are kind and friendly. I'm glad you have each other.

  11. ...they're the best are good neighbours!!

  12. I love your lawnmower and I love your neighbours.

  13. Good neighbours are wonderful, and I'm glad they're looking after you.
    A lovely new lawnmower too.

    I'm quite lucky with my neighbours. The woman next door has never done anything to her garden in the 6 years she has been there, her other neighbour occasionally does the front for her when he gets fed up of looking at it and she's finally agreed to pay him to clear the back. I'm paying him some extra to get rid of the tree she has which has been the bain of my life every spring for 8 years when it "snows" seeds for 2 days which I spend the rest of summer digging up.
    So hurrah for good neighbours.

    Also hurrah for you. It was my daughter's 6th birthday yesterday and one of her presents was your Mermaid Castle book. She got plenty of other things, but she's only been interested in playing with the mermaid castle and her new MP3 player. Thankyou!

  14. Good neighbours are something to be treasured.......well done Brian and Jean and that mower will be great for toning a few muscles Gretel.......
    Looks like you have a decent sized yard, a nice to spot to enjoy a cool drink......

    CLaire X

  15. Gretel all the lush green around your house is so pretty, and now with the lawn trimmed and neat I bet its easier to see how much the shrubs and trees have grown.
    I can see you treasure your neighbors and how right you are.
    I bet you are a lovely neighbor to have as well.

  16. I'm happy you have people who are close to you that are warm and kind people. Good for the push mower. If you run into snags make friends with a sheep farmer and borrow one occasionally. :)

  17. There are some wonderful people around! You have a fab garden there, lots of potential for future growing, lucky you.
    I like Nancy's idea of getting a sheep - you'd also have instant rovings for felting....

  18. Blessed indeed you are to have those lovely folk living next door.... (or anywhere near for that matter!!)

    Take the opportunity to soak up the warmth and light and love through the summer months....

    ...loss comes back to sit with you through the winter, especially the first one...

    ...but it WILL get better, I promise you.

  19. I love your new mower! Superb exercise and cut grass in one go!
    It's wonderful to have good, kind neighbours too.

  20. oh but Gretel, you should've said- Bruce would've been ONLY TOO PLEASED to come and "help" with the lawn!

  21. Gretel, your lawn mower has brought back childhood memories of a green mower of similar design. I do admit that I prefer the aesthetic appearance of the push mower, even if those noisy oil-fueled versions to take lots less effort to get the job done.

    You truly do have lovely neighbors there. I am sure that they are delighted to have you nearby, too. xo

  22. Worth their weight in gold I'd say. x Jo

  23. Hello, Gretel! I'm far away from these matters, 'cause I live in an apartment, but I know from a friend of ours how important it is to have the grass in your yard being mowed. Now it looks neat and pretty and... ready for the dance of the seasons.:) You are so lucky to have such friendly, open-hearted neighbours! We usually say just "Hi!" and "Bye!" with ours...:(

  24. You couldn't ask for kinder and more generous neighbours. How strange about your mower, Iv'e just come in from the garden and had stopped to listen to a noise and suddenly realised it was the recognisable sound of a pusher mower from the garden behind us which immediately made me remember my father cutting the grass which brought a lump to my throat and made my eyes water. I'm sure there are many things like that for you Gretel so lots of love x

  25. Anonymous8:05 pm BST

    What wonderful neighbours! Malcolm has just bought a new push mower - it makes a super job of cutting the grass - much better(if slower) than the electric one.

  26. what amazing people and friends they are.

  27. What wonderful neighbours you have. :) That lawn mower certainly is beautiful but have you ever tried to push one?? You'll be stick thin with all that effort within the year!xx

  28. It's true ... that is what neighbours are for. So glad you have good ones. M x

  29. Isn't it fab to have such wonderful neighbours? I am glad that you have each other.x


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