
Little green spider

 The most delightful little green spider, trying to escape my camera lens.

Crawling about on the old iron table at Cinderhill Farm.

Later found to be a Green Orb Weaver spider.

Only a quarter of an inch long, but rather fearsome when viewed up close. Harmless though.


  1. Thank you for this. We found and photographed one, whilst on a walk with the kids. Never managed to get round to identifying it. Aren't they the most astonishing shade of green? I can just imagine them weaving magic webs.

  2. Not keen on spiders but he is a beauty - isn't nature wonderful. x Jo

  3. Such magic in tiny things. Thank you for sharing.

  4. wow great shots i thought it would be a lot bigger than that, thats some zoom you have on your camera. I hate spiders but that is actually pretty.

  5. What a delightful little spider indeed! It looks like the embodiment of spring; a bit muddy, with brilliant and exciting bits of green. A fabulous find! Thank you for sharing! Wishing you continued inspiration and energy.

    One curious soul to another, :)

  6. I like the photo where she is doing a handstand for you :-)

    D x

  7. She is stunning and so lovely. I am glad she came to pay a call to you.


  8. Oh Gretel, You never fail to show us "delight in simple things".

  9. Anonymous7:21 pm BST

    I've never seen a spider like that - ours are of the boring black variety!

  10. And a male, too. Those dark "boxing gloves" near his face mean he's sexually mature and looking for a mate.

  11. Thanks Charles! I didn't know that - I assumed it was a female - I've learned something new!

  12. Lovely photos! Spiders everywhere just now, aren't there! Every time I walk through the garden I seem to pick up half a dozen tiny ones.

  13. Anonymous6:10 pm BST

    Such a pretty little spider. Will you be making a little spider soon? A cute little green spider, I hope, not a black scary one.


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