
Painting of the week - Toadstool

This year, I have set myself the aim of creating a small painting per week. I've kind of cheated here, as I started this one last year, but only finished it last week. So it is unseasonably autumnal. The delicate layers of wash need overnight drying, so even a small piece can take a few days.

Whether I can stick to my resolution remains to be seen - but if anyone fancies an out of season toadstool, it's up for sale in paintings section of my shop here with details  of measurements.

Next week's painting is completely different...


  1. What a lovely painting, and a funny coincidence! I was reading a book this morning which featured mushrooms just this colour. One of the characters made the mushrooms into a souffle that was so light, one only ate the steam! (The book is called The Lost Track of Time, by Paige White, with illustrations by Lee White). I wish you all the best, in contuning to make your paintings as the year progresses.

  2. I do like that it reminds me of some of my grandmother's painting.
    Especially one that hung in my bedroom when I was a child.

  3. The snail on top looks like a small man climbing out...I like that, makes me think of possibilities. The colors are lovely.

  4. Happy New Year, Gretel! I wish you many happy moments, health, love and inspiration!
    Love your drawing, waiting eagerly for the next one.:)

  5. It's so good to see you painting again, it's what first attracted me to your blog. I hope life is good for you dear Gretel.xxx

  6. I do like this, and the idea of regular painting. I need to push myself into doing this too.

  7. Ooooh, it's lovely! I really like the colors!


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